Successful closing of the 2nd Digital Education Congress with Mateo Salvatto – Ministry of Education of Chubut

In front of a packed auditorium, this Friday, September 6, the renowned entrepreneur and technologist, Mateo Salvatto, closed the 2nd Digital Education Congress with his conference “Changing the World, Within Reach of Everyone”. The event, organized by the Government of Chubut, through the Ministry of Education and with the support of the company Aluar, marked the closing of the last of the three training days that included virtual and in-person workshops, in addition to the presentation of educational experiences from all over the province.

Closing ceremony

At the beginning of the closing ceremony, the Minister of Education, José Luis Punta, thanked the community for their support and enthusiasm in supporting the proposal and learning “about everything related to technology, artificial intelligence, robotics and digital environments that enrich education today and are a fundamental part of the educational policy carried out by this government.”

Then, awards were given for the educational experiences presented by schools No. 6 in Los Altares (“Mastering my netbook”), No. 711 (“A gentle awakening”) and No. 506 (“Robotics Workshop”) in Comodoro Rivadavia and No. 759 in Trelew (“A school without discrimination, a utopia?”). The students present went up on stage to receive a gift, consisting of an “Arduino kit”, and their formal recognition from the hands of the Minister of Education and representatives of the company Aluar.

The event, which took place in the main hall of the National University of Patagonia San Juan Bosco in Puerto Madryn, was also attended by Marcelo Álvarez, Undersecretary of Planning and Educational Policies of the Ministry of Education, and María Elena Lizurume and María Eugenia Besson of the Department of Community Relations of Aluar.

A story to change the world, within everyone’s reach

In the closing talk, hosted by national producer and announcer Maru Ortiz, Mateo Salvatto spoke about his beginnings in the technological field, and about the story of how he founded his first company, Asteroid, with which he launched his first product, Háblalo, a mobile application designed to assist people with communication disabilities.

In his inspiring story, Mateo recounted how, through his achievements in various specialties, he came to imagine and develop a tool of great transformative power, which has positively impacted more than 400,000 people around the world. His story, full of innovation and determination, showed the potential of technology to improve lives, and deeply moved the audience, especially the youngest, encouraging them to be an active part of a positive change in society.

A congress that raises the stakes in education

In its second edition, the Digital Education Congress, organized by the Educational Technology Directorate of the Ministry of Education of Chubut, adopted the motto “Educational Technologies for the development of learning”, through which four online workshops, one in-person workshop and a closing talk with Mateo Salvatto were held.
A total of 500 people participated in the virtual sessions and approximately another 300 did the same in the face-to-face sessions held in Rawson and Puerto Madryn, on September 4 and 6 respectively.

The congress began in Rawson, in the auditorium of the Ministry of Education, with the Awareness Workshop on Digital Citizenship – Online Games and Gambling, where specialists Jimena Petriello and Gustavo Caballero spoke about how the Internet today represents a public space, in which its users have become digital citizens who face problems that spread to classrooms and put teachers, institutions and families on alert.
As for the virtual proposals, the workshops dealt with Generative Artificial Intelligence, GPT Chat and Educational Robotics.

With the grand closing ceremony at the UNPSJB main hall in Puerto Madryn, the Chubut government, led by Governor Ignacio “Nacho” Torres, once again demonstrates its commitment to deepening modern and quality education through connectivity and ongoing training for teachers and the educational community in general.



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