Success rates largely achieved in the various exams

The Council of Ministers listened, Monday, July 25, 2022, to a communication relating to the results of the 2021-2022 school year, presented by the Minister of Primary, Secondary, Technical Education and Handicrafts, Pr komla Dodzi Kokoroko. According to this communication, the success rate in the various exams has been largely achieved with a percentage of over 70%. A victory to be credited to the new management processes underway throughout the education system, with the aim of substantially improving school performance.

In the past, some parents refused to send their children to school, especially girls. This, for economic and customary reasons, it must be said today that significant progress has been made in education. If there is one certainty, in addition to the studious enthusiasm of schoolchildren, it is that the social measures implemented by the State are bearing fruit. Over the years, Togo has improved its education system, now rid of the constraints that prevented poor parents from sending their children to study without any worries.

According to the communication presented to the Council of Ministers on Monday, July 25, by the Minister of Primary, Secondary, Technical Education and Handicrafts, Prof Komla Dodzi Kokoroko, the 2021-2022 school year, which is ending, was marked by the gradual introduction of new steering procedures for the entire system, with the aim of substantially improving school performance. This objective was achieved in view of the results obtained in the various national examinations. Thus, the following success rates were recorded: 93.30% for the Certificate of First Degree Studies (CEPD), 82.99% for the Brevet d’Etudes du Premier Cycle (BEPC), 78% for the baccalaureate first part (BAC I) of general education, 71.71% for BAC I of technical education and 74.34% for the second part of general and technical education (BAC II), an almost historic rate . The Council of Ministers therefore seized the opportunity to congratulate the learners, the supervisors as well as the parents of pupils who mobilized to achieve the results obtained, in particular with regard to the increase in the number of girls.

A rate close to perfection

The Minister of Higher Education, Prof. Watéba Ihou, ensures the smooth running of the exam in a BAC II writing center.

The CEPD is a diploma given to Togolese schoolchildren, following the 06 primary classes. It gives the right to access college to reach the BEPC at the end of third class. Out of 204,182 candidates who registered for this undergraduate exam on behalf of the 2021-2022 school year, 190,496 were admitted, representing a pass rate of 93.3% of which 93,056 were girls. This proves that the efforts devoted by the government, for more than a decade, to improving the quality of education have had significant results with the increase in the literacy rate and the government completion rate which aim to provide good study conditions for children, to promote the education of girls and access to school for all, to ensure success in the school environment.

With regard to the first part Baccalaureate (BAC 1), 2022 session, the data published by the ministry in charge of the sector indicates that out of 75,427 candidates registered for BAC 1, 57,202 were admitted, this is equivalent to a success rate of 75.83%. Of the 57,202 admitted, 48,170 are from general education and 9,032 from technical education.

A success to the credit of the incentive measures taken by the government

It should be noted that in 2006, the government made public primary education compulsory for all. This measure was reinforced by the abolition of primary school fees in 2008, the reduction of school fees for young girls in middle and high school, the creation of school canteens, the opening of science high schools in Lomé and Kara, the creation of 5 new National Schools for teachers, the granting of back-to-school and library bonuses to teachers and incentive bonuses for teaching as well as the school insurance program: School Assur, which are a few actions to put to the credit of the Head of State who has made education one of the main priorities of his policy. It should also be noted that in favor of Covid-19, the government, through a press release dated August 21, 2021, decided, for the 2021-2022 school year, to make registration and tuition fees free. education for students in public education colleges and high schools in Togo. A year earlier, the President of the Republic Faure Gnassingbé asked that the payment of registration fees for the 2020-2021 exams be assumed by the State. The latter spent nearly 02 billion CFA francs to cover the expenses of the parents of students.

Nearly 485,000 candidates from the CEPD, BEPC, BAC 1, BAC 2, BTS CFA, BT, CQP, BEP, CAP and DTSA benefited from the initiative. In addition, tuition fees have been permanently erased in preschool and primary since 2008. Today, teachers are recruited in sufficient numbers for a good training of learners. Nothing is taken lightly.

With the aim of continuing to improve the education system, Minister Kokoroko underlines that ” the actions and reforms that led to the achievement of these encouraging results need to be supplemented and consolidated by other prospective measures. This, in a climate of constant maintenance of dialogue and consultation with the trade union organizations of teachers and parents of students and for the future of students. “. Between social inequalities and geographical inequalities, many difficulties still remain to be raised to guarantee academic success in Togo.




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