Subscriptions, exclusive rooms, monetization… how to earn money on Discord?

Like WhatsApp, Discord is a communication platform. It is thanks to a principle of servers that users can exchange in written, audio and even video rooms. And now, creators will be able to charge admission. We explain how.

It is through monthly subscriptions that Discord users will be able to earn money. By offering access to exclusive lounges, for example, or by offering advantages such as special emojis or early access to their content. This system of paid subscriptions offers several advantages for users.

First, creators will be able to choose their rate, between $2.99 ​​and $199.99 per month. No matter the size of their community, they will still be able to monetize their server without a minimum threshold of active users, unlike other platforms like TikTok.

Another important point: revenue sharing. Discord offers an arrangement that benefits users since the sharing is 90% for them and 10% for the platform.

What conditions must be respected?

However, certain conditions must be met in order to earn money. For the moment, only Americans will have access to this monetization. Server owners must be at least 18 years old and residents of the United States. Their Discord account must be in good standing and comply with the platform’s terms and conditions. Two-factor authentication will need to be enabled, in addition to having verified their phone number and email address.

It will also be necessary to be patient to receive money. Users will be paid 30 days after the end of the current month. They will also need to accumulate at least $100 for their first transfer and have a minimum balance of $25 for all subsequent payments.

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Be careful all the same about your living rooms. No way to talk about drugs, dangerous weapons and sex. Also forget about promoting other sites or promoting gambling. Political figures are prohibited from monetizing their server. Discord provided a listing completes prohibited content, and now offers a dedicated page to monetization.

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