Submitter: The tyranny of the gym – a modern scourge – Eskilstuna-Kuriren

(A free interpretation of Seneca’s 15th letter to Lucilius.)

Dear citizens of the 21st century.

I am writing to you today deeply concerned about the recent obsession with physical exercise. Everywhere I see people running like crazy on treadmills, lifting weights as if their lives depended on it, and slurping down protein shakes as if they were nectar from the gods themselves.

Where did all the wisdom go? Have we really reached a point where the number of followers on Instagram is more important than the number of books we read? Where a well-defined six-pack is valued higher than a well-articulated thought?

I’m not saying we should let our bodies decay into shapeless lumps of dough. A walk in the park is perfectly fine. But those hour-long sessions at the gym? Oops!

Think of all the time you waste staring into the mirror and admiring your bulging muscles. You could have spent that time reflecting on life’s big questions, or at least developing your creativity and critical thinking.

And you who advocate these extreme diets – have you ever considered that the brain also needs nutrition? A brain fed only on chicken and broccoli is unlikely to produce any brilliant ideas.

I urge you all: Put down the dumbbells and pick up a book instead! Exchange your gym membership for one at the library. And for God’s sake, stop posing in front of the mirror and start thinking about how you can contribute to society in a meaningful way.

Remember: A fit brain impresses long after the six pack has turned into a flabby stomach.


A modern Seneca (who prefers toga to tights)

A Modern Seneca on the 21st Century Obsession with Fitness

(A free interpretation of Seneca’s 15th letter to Lucilius.)

Dear citizens of the 21st century,

I am writing to you today with a heart full of concern and a mind bursting with sarcasm. You see, I’ve noticed a curious trend—a rampant obsession with physical exercise that makes the ancient Romans’ gladiator contests look like a cozy afternoon stroll. Seriously, folks, everywhere I look, I see people sprinting on treadmills like they’re being chased by lions, lifting weights as if they’re preparing to bench press the entire Coliseum, and downing protein shakes that they appear to believe are some divine concoction. Exercise is all the rage, and yet, where on Earth has all the wisdom gone? What is it about the 21st century that brainpower now takes a backseat to bicep curls?

Muscles vs. Mind

Let me ask you a question: Have we genuinely devolved to the point where the number of Instagram followers trumps the number of books we read? It’s like comparing a sparkling six-pack to a shimmering mind, and let me tell you, while one might impress at the beach, the other is crucial for navigating the complexities of the human experience! And I’m not advocating for lumpen bodies that could easily be mistaken for doughnuts, mind you—a brisk walk in the park should suffice.

But an hour in the gym, flexing in front of the mirror like you’re auditioning for a part in a superhero movie? That’s just ludicrous! The time spent admiring those bulging muscles could have been better spent pondering life’s grand mysteries or honing your creative genius. And let’s be honest, when was the last time doing bench presses inspired you to write a novel? I hear crickets.

The Diet Dilemma

Ah, and let’s not ignore the diet fanatics, shall we? To all of you who think chicken and broccoli is the culinary manifestation of brilliance, I urge you to consider that your brain, like your biceps, requires a hearty diet. Tying your brain’s creativity to a three-day-old protein bar? That’s a recipe for confusion if I ever heard one! I hate to break it to you, but a diet that’s exclusively chicken and broccoli isn’t going to hatch the next great literary masterpiece. You might end up with really strong quads and nothing else.

A Call to Arms (or Books)

So here’s my rallying cry: Put down the dumbbells and pick up a book, people! Why not swap that shiny gym membership for one at the library? You’ll find an infinite number of worlds waiting to be explored instead of just staring at yourself in the mirror like Narcissus on a bad hair day. And let’s face it: your muscles will wither and turn to flab faster than you can say “tofu,” but the wisdom you cultivate will endure far beyond the limits of your squats.

The Brains Behind the Brawn

In closing, let’s remember: a fit brain impresses long after that six-pack has surrendered to the inevitable flab of mid-life. So next time you’re tempted to strap on that shapewear for a gym session, perhaps consider sporting a toga instead and dive into the mysteries of philosophy. After all, your mind deserves as much exercise as your pecs! Speak to your fellow citizens, embrace the art of thought, and let’s collectively shove the emphasis on physical perfection into the realm of “yesterday’s fads.”


A modern Seneca (who prefers toga to tights)



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