Styrian alpinist fatally injured in Carinthian mountains

The man from Murtal was found dead in the evening in steep terrain below the peak of Velika Baba in the Steiner Alps in Bad Eisenkappel (Völkermarkt district). His wife had previously reported him missing because the man from Upper Styria had not returned to their accommodation, police announced on Tuesday afternoon. The man was found thanks to cell phone tracking and helicopter flights.

Fell about 100 meters

Both a police and a rescue helicopter were deployed. Surveys in the area of ​​the accident showed that the man tripped while descending a narrow and unsecured path and fell about 100 meters over steep and rocky terrain. According to the police, the Styrian sustained fatal injuries in the process. The accident victim was heading for the Seeländer Sattel and Velika Baba in the far south of Austria.

In the other fatal mountain accident on Tuesday, details of the course of events and the identity of those affected were initially unclear. All that was known was that, according to “ORF Kärnten”, a woman had been involved in the accident and her companions had informed the police and rescue services.



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