Stylish male doctor who does not smoke actually suffers from lung adenocarcinoma asymptomatic and relies on 1 examination for early detection-Instant News-Free Health Network

Shen Yanting (left) was only 40 years old when he discovered lung adenocarcinoma with a lung lobe of 0.8 cm last year, but he was fortunate for early detection and early treatment due to low-dose computed tomography screening. On the right is Hong Renyu, deputy director of Datong Hospital. (Photo by reporter Xu Lijuan)

[Reporter Xu Lijuan / Kaohsiung Report]Old smokers and family history of genetic disease are high-risk groups for lung adenocarcinoma, but the early symptoms are not obvious. When symptoms appear, it may be in the middle and late stages. Shen Yanting, director of plastic surgery at Kaohsiung Municipal Datong Hospital, is an outsider The handsome male doctor in his eyes is only 41 years old. He does not smoke and has a habit of exercising. However, he performed lung low-dose computer tomography screening for the first time in the employee health check last year. He found that the lobe of the lung had a shadow of 0.8 cm, which was removed after 3 months of observation. And diagnosed with lung adenocarcinoma, Shen Yanting was glad for early detection and early treatment, and also called for the importance of regular health checks.

Shen Yanting was born into a family of doctors. His father is Shen Maochang, a professor of oncology surgery at Gaoyi Medical University. His two uncles are Zhang Hongtai, the former director of Kaohsiung Municipal United Hospital, and Zhang Hongjiang, a famous doctor of the Department of Urology of National Taiwan University Hospital. The cousins ​​and others are all doctors, and there are 17 doctors in the second generation alone.

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As a plastic surgeon, Shen Yanting maintains a good appearance. He said that he never thought he would get cancer, because in addition to the heavy work in the hospital, his daily routine is very normal, he also pays attention to his diet with less oil and less salt, and he also has regular exercise habits. .

Physician Shen Yanting (left) is young, abstains from tobacco and alcohol, and keeps exercising. He never thought that cancer would come to him so early. Hong Renyu (right), vice president of Datong Hospital, said that smoking guns and family history are high-risk groups for lung adenocarcinoma . (Photo by reporter Xu Lijuan)

In September last year, Shen Yanting performed a low-density lung computed tomography examination for the first time because the hospital arranged a whole-body health check for employees, and accidentally found a 0.8 cm shadow in the lung lobe, which may be due to inflammation, infection, or cancer cells. Symptoms, so after the online “consultation” by famous family doctors, it is recommended that he observe for 3 months.

Shen Yanting said that during the 3-month follow-up period, he was in a really distressed mood. As a doctor, he knew that the infection rate with shadows in the lungs was low, and he was also afraid that the shadows would expand. It was still there but fortunately it did not become larger. According to the judgment of the thoracic specialist, the probability of the shadow being cancer was high, and it was suggested to observe it for another half a year or perform direct surgical resection. He immediately decided to undergo endoscopic surgery to remove part of the lung lobe immediately, and the tumor was examined by pathology. Also identified as stage 1 lung adenocarcinoma.

Due to the early detection, after the excision of Shen Yanting’s lung adenocarcinoma, chemotherapy is not needed. Although it has little effect on lung function, after the operation, he still needs to do postoperative lung capacity training such as balloon blowing. Currently, it is tracked every 3 months. Treatment, follow-up needs to be continued every year, but because of early detection and early treatment, he will not be too worried about the follow-up.

Shen Yanting regularly does heavy training every week. After removing part of the lung lobe, he believes that it has little effect on lung function. (Provided by Shen Yanting)

Hong Renyu, vice president of Datong Hospital and a thoracic physician, pointed out that the most likely cause of lung cancer is the old smoking gun with more than 1 pack of cigarettes per day. However, in recent years, it has been gradually discovered that those who have siblings and parents who have had lung cancer in the family are more likely to get lung cancer. It will increase, and the probability of having more than 2 people is even higher. Starting from July 1 this year, the National Health Administration’s early lung cancer screening program will also provide people with a family history of lung adenocarcinoma, women aged 45 to 74 years old and men aged 50 to 74 years old Free low-dose computed tomography screening for early detection and treatment.

Hong Renyu emphasized that lung health is related to air composition, smoking or not, occupations such as working in dust-exposed environments, etc. Most of them have no obvious symptoms in the early stage, and most of them are checked only when they have symptoms. , 4, so it is recommended that regardless of age, high-risk people such as smokers and family history should do lung low-dose computed tomography once a year.

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