StVO reform: 30 km/h will be easier to implement for municipalities in the future

This allows the responsible road authority to easily reduce the maximum speed in areas that require protection, such as in front of schools. “Slower speeds mean more safety and quality of life for local people,” said Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens).

Reducing speeds would lead to fewer traffic fatalities, fewer climate-damaging emissions and less noise pollution, and would also save people money through lower fuel consumption, the minister emphasized following the Council of Ministers on Wednesday. The municipalities were already able to reduce the speed limit to 30 instead of 50 in the local area, but to do this they had to overcome some bureaucratic hurdles and have extensive reports drawn up.

“Not for fun and foolishness”

This is now set to change with the new amendment to the Road Traffic Act (StVO). “This amendment will make it easier for mayors in the future to develop and implement tailor-made solutions on site,” said Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP). In the future, the responsible road authority in local areas can reduce the maximum speed limit in areas with a special need for protection, such as in front of schools, kindergartens, leisure facilities or playgrounds, hospitals or retirement homes – provided that the measure is suitable for increasing road safety for pedestrians or cyclists. “Where the situation requires it, but not for fun and games,” said Karner. Last year, around 15,000 traffic accidents occurred on local roads, with 80 people killed, he said.

Municipalities will be allowed to carry out speed cameras in the future

Monitoring the speed limit should also become easier for communities. In the future, they should be able to carry out radar checks themselves. The prerequisite is an appropriate transfer regulation from the state. Previously, communities could only carry out speed cameras if they had their own community security force. Karner also expects this to reduce the burden on the police.

There will also be opportunities to set up school streets similar to a meeting zone. The new amendment also means that emergency vehicles will be allowed to stop and park even if they do not have their blue lights on.

Traffic calming in Vienna: No agreement yet

No agreement has yet been reached regarding traffic calming in Vienna’s city center. The red-pink city government would like to see only residents, business owners and some people exempt from the ban allowed to drive into the first district. This should be checked using cameras that record the license plates. However, this requires a legal basis within the framework of the StVO. The minister announced that there would be another round table with experts on the topic in mid-February to clarify questions about data protection concerns. Karner added that no “bureaucratic monster” should approach the police here and that they should not be drowned in work.

Comments are possible for 6 weeks

More than 280 municipalities and cities as well as organizations such as the VCÖ and the Association of Cities had previously campaigned for a reform that would make it easier to implement Tempo 30. The amendment to the StVO is now being assessed; the public can submit comments on the draft for six weeks. The entry into force is planned for summer 2024. When asked by a journalist, Gewessler denied that 100 km/h on the motorway was the next step. “There is no parliamentary majority for this.”

The Austrian Association of Municipalities welcomed the proposed amendment to the road traffic regulations. “Now the long-standing demands of the association of municipalities should finally be implemented. The amendment enables more traffic safety in front of schools, kindergartens, main squares and other sensitive points in the municipalities. Now the mayors are given the legal framework to further improve traffic safety in the municipalities and cities increase,” emphasized the vice presidents of the Austrian Association of Municipalities Andrea Kaufmann and Erwin Dirnberger.


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