Sturm with 7:2 in the second round of the cup, also Hartberg and Lustenau – ÖFB-Cup

2023-07-22 18:38:01

Klagenfurt – Sturm Graz made it through to the second round of the Austrian soccer cup in a commanding manner. The defending champions celebrated a 7-2 away win once morest SAK Klagenfurt in their first competitive game of the season on Saturday. TSV Hartberg (3-2 in Traiskirchen), Austria Lustenau (8-0 at SPG Silz/Mötz), WAC (4-0 in Kufstein), Blau-Weiß Linz (5-1 at SPG Wallern/St. Marienkirchen) and Austria Klagenfurt (3-0 at Verwarts Steyr) have also risen.

#Sturm #cup #Hartberg #Lustenau #ÖFBCup

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