Stunning six-table comment from the IYI Party deputy: It is not clear who is good and who is bad


There have been some very active moments in Turkish politics lately. While different scenarios were discussed after IYI Party Chairman Meral Akşener left the six-point table, new developments took place today. Ekrem İmamoğlu, Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality ve Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mansur Yavaşhad a short meeting with Akşener this morning.


After the interview Meral AksenerIn case İmamoğlu and Yavaş become vice presidents CHP leader Kemal KılıçdaroğluIt was announced that the candidacy of ‘s will be approved and the table will be returned. right after Aksener with Kilicdaroglu had a meeting and Akşener decided to attend the six-table meeting. While there are very active moments in the political arena, IYI Party MPs Halil İbrahim Oral ve Naci Cinisli Haber7 made special statements.


on the agenda News7making statements to IYI Party Erzurum deputy Naci Cinislisaying that politics is now in dust and it cannot be understood who is good and who is bad in this environment. “We believe we are doing the right thing. We think that for Turkey’s future, elections should be held with a winning candidate, and that the most critical election in the history of the republic should not be left to chance. That’s why we set ourselves on fire and put our minds on the line. Everyone should put their personal interests aside and think for Turkey. “ used the phrases.

Stating that Kılıçdaroğlu won the election is not guaranteed. “We have been removed from the table, we will have our own candidate. We did not set up a separate plan, but a separate plan was established from us. But we are a party made up of highly experienced politicians. We will take care of the rest. There is no excessive reaction from the grassroots right now. Everyone is waiting, we will see.” added his words.


İbrahim Halil Oral, Deputy of the Iyi Party Ankara of their objections Kilicdaroglustating that it is not related to the person “We have also seen that there is a resistance belonging to Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu in the public opinion surveys we have conducted in the eyes of the public. Our chairman has also indirectly and kindly explained this in his speeches so far. They implemented a policy.” said.


Expressing that Akşener presented two proposals to the table, Oral said, “Both of them were an offer for the Nation Alliance to win. We had a second proposal. The purpose was for the table to continue in a level manner. That is, to put forward a public opinion research company trusted by each political party, the opinion research company to be put forward by these 6 parties, the opinion research company that will definitely give a result in 3-5 days. We said that we would abide by this decision without a doubt.” he said.

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The IYI Party deputy, who said that other political parties at the table were engaged to Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu to enter the Parliament, “In this situation, it is not possible for us to set aside the favor of the nation. We had to interpret the views of the nation. Of course, with such an offer, they pushed our esteemed president off the table with an attitude saying, ‘We support Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, no matter what we do.’ Of course, in this case, we left the table.” used the phrases.

Oral stated that it is not possible for the IYI Party to ever leave the democratic parliamentary system. “This is the reason for our existence. And we are fighting for it. It seems that our dialogues can continue again. Our doors are open again. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu will continue to be at the table if something happens under the conditions we offer to reconsider. But as far as we understand, there will be multiple presidential candidacy.” “This is a reasonable thing for us. Go, the candidate who supports the democratic parliamentary system and says in front of the public that the nation is fighting for it; it may be Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu. This is our acceptance. If he won the favor of the nation, we will vote for him in the second round.” This is our view, our thought, and our political style.” said.

Oral added that if Akşener is not on the table, no candidate will win in the first round and if Kılıçdaroğlu agrees with them in the second round, they can vote for him.



Yalcin Tasbasi – Editor

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