Study reveals the level of happiness in the Carolinas

A study revealed what are the states of the country where people live the happiest; Taking these data into account, the two Carolinas have interesting results in terms of happiness.

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Happiness is not always a matter of one, because there are several factors that can make one person happier than another, even many of them are not things that are under their control.

Information from the American Psychiatric Association, points out that 87% of Americans are “anxious”This is due to inflation, factors such as work, the pandemic of COVID-19 and other situations make many people not feel so “happy”.

In which of the Carolinas is there more happiness?

According to the agency’s study WalletHubNorth Carolina is the 20th state in this comparison, with a total score of 53.65, while South Carolina comes in 33rd of the 50 states with a score of 49.62.

In this way, it could be said that People in North Carolina live happier than in South Carolina.

What are the key metrics to determine the happiness of the inhabitants?

The WalletHub agency used various data from the 50 states of the country, to carry out the study and analyze which ones are happier.

Among the metrics that were used are: the rate of depression, adults who feel productive, income growth, and the unemployment rate among 30 different.

All these data have been grouped into four groups called: Emotional and physical well-being, Work environment, as well as Community and environment.

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How does the list of 50 most ‘happiest’ states in the nation rank?

Hawaii is listed as the state with the happiest people, while West Virginia is considered the state with the least happiness in people.

This is the complete list of all 50 states, including North Carolina and South Carolina.

  1. Hawai
  2. Maryland
  3. Minnesota
  4. Utah
  5. New Jersey
  6. Idaho
  7. California
  8. Illinois
  9. Nebraska
  10. Connecticut
  11. Virginia
  12. Dakota del Sur
  13. North Dakota
  14. Massachusetts
  15. new hampshire
  16. Iowa
  17. Delaware
  18. Florida
  19. Georgia
  20. North Carolina
  21. Wisconsin
  22. Washington
  23. NY
  24. Maine
  25. Wyoming
  26. Oregon
  27. Pennsylvania
  28. Rhode Island
  29. Montana
  30. Colorado
  31. Arizona
  32. Kansas
  33. South Carolina
  34. Vermont
  35. Nevada
  36. Texas
  37. Indiana
  38. Ohio
  39. Michigan
  40. Alaska
  41. Measurements
  42. New Mexico
  43. Tennessee
  44. Oklahoma
  45. Mississippi
  46. Alabama
  47. Kentucky
  48. Arkansas
  49. Louisiana
  50. Virginia Occidental

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