Study reveals risks to newborns

2024-08-21 14:01:24

What are the risks to newborns if their mothers smoke before or during pregnancy? according to a new study of Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Published and discovered by the British Medical Organization French informationSmoking one to two cigarettes per day before or during pregnancy can seriously increase the risk of health problems in the newborn.

Therefore, babies have a greater chance of entering the NICU. In addition to other possible risks, the baby is more likely to be placed on life support after delivery,”suffering from sepsis“,”Number of seizures” “or severe neurological problems”.

12.1% of pregnant women still smoke in the third month of pregnancy

Researchers said babies whose mothers smoked before becoming pregnant were 27% more likely to have serious neonatal health problems than those who did not smoke. If the mother smokes during pregnancy, the risk increases to 31%.

If we focus on the number of cigarettes smoked, scientists found that for women who smoked one to two cigarettes a day before pregnancy, the risk of newborn health problems was 16% higher. Infants were 13% more likely to be admitted to the ICU. If the mother smoked at least 20 cigarettes per day before pregnancy, the risk increased to 31%.

According to the latest data shared on the topic health insuranceThe proportion of women in France reporting smoking during their third trimester increased from 16.3% in 2016 to 12.2% in 2021.

If the dangers of cigarettes for mother and her child seem obvious today due to various publicity campaigns, the new study is one of the few that analyzes the consequences according to the moment the mother smokes and the amount of tobacco consumed .

To conduct the study, researchers used national birth certificate data for 12 million mother-child dyads registered in the United States between 2016 and 2019.About one in 10 pregnant women smokes.”.

#Study #reveals #risks #newborns



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