Study: More biodiesel in the tank helps the climate

If the proportion of biofuel for combustion vehicles were to be increased from the current ten percent for gasoline and seven percent for diesel to a uniform 13.5 percent, greenhouse gas emissions from road transport would be reduced to 12.4 million tons by 2030 expected, according to a study commissioned by the ÖAMTC and prepared by the bioenergy research center Best and the economic research institute Economica.

Assuming that around 1.1 million electric cars will be registered in Austria by 2030 and that fuel tourism, which according to the Federal Environment Agency is already declining sharply, will disappear completely by 2030, this would mean a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from road transport by almost 50 percent. “The Austrian climate target for the transport sector would even be exceeded,” said Best biofuel expert Dina Bacovsky.

Four to nine cents per liter more

The additional amount of biofuels would hardly be a competition for food in the fields, according to the economists, because the total amount of biofuels would only have to increase by seven percent (because overall fuel consumption is falling). The mobility club calculates that more biogenic fuel would increase the price per liter by four to nine cents. The higher admixture rate is important for the long-lasting car fleet. The ARBÖ also thinks the idea is good.

Discussions are being held with all political parties, but there has not yet been clear support for the proposal.


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