Study maps default among credit fintechs

2023-12-06 21:39:40

One of the main challenges of the economic environment, default affected individuals and legal entities served by credit fintechs differently in 2022. According to the conclusions of the third edition of the Digital Credit Fintechs Survey, carried out in partnership between Brazilian Digital Credit Association – ABCD it’s at PwC Brazilin general, defaults for individuals showed a slight increase in specific categories in the period analyzed.

The non-payroll personal loan modality, for example, reached 17% — in the previous year, it registered 16%. The document highlights although the rate is lower than the 44% of defaulters observed by Serasa in July this year for the Brazilian population.

The research also reveals that defaults relating to credit card installments (11%), cash (9%) and revolving credit card modalities from fintechs (9%) are lower than the Brazilian average for revolving and installment credit cards, which reached the record level of 31.5% in April 2023.

When analyzing corporate clients, default rates fell. In this context, the types of acquisition of goods and properties and working capital with a term longer than 365 days stand out, which fell, respectively, from 15% to 13% and from 16% to 15%, in the comparison between 2021 and 2022. .

In the view of Sandro Reiss, president of ABCD, “the data indicates that fintechs used best customer selection and risk management practices in a year of overcoming and resilience.”

The study also revealed that fintechs maintained their growth by granting almost R$14 billion in credit in 2022, an increase of 9% compared to the previous year, which registered more than R$12 billion. The full survey can be accessed at

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