Study: Huge amounts of water on planets outside our solar system

A new study published in the journal Nature Astronomy reveals that Nature Astronomy indicates that exoplanets (those outside Earth’s solar system) that do not conform to the Earth model might contain much larger quantities of water than previously anticipated.

For decades, our understanding of planets, including those beyond our solar system, has been based on a model derived from Earth. Earth, as we know, has an iron core, a silicate rock mantle, and a surface abundant in water. This straightforward and effective model has provided the fundamental framework for the study of exoplanets orbiting stars outside our solar system.

Silicate minerals account for about 90% of the rocks in Earth’s crust. The fundamental unit that constitutes all silicate minerals consists of four oxygen ions surrounding and coordinating with a tetrahedral silicon ion, resulting in a tetrahedral shape.

However, recent advancements in planetary science suggest that this model may be overly simplistic when applied to the diverse and complex worlds beyond our solar neighborhood.

The Earth model, characterized by its distinctly defined core, mantle, and surface, has been beneficial in guiding our exploration of the universe.

This model posits that exoplanets are structured similarly to Earth, featuring a metallic core, a silicate mantle, and possibly oceans or atmospheres on the surface. This assumption has been backed by extensive research in exoplanet science, aiding scientists in predicting the composition, behavior, and potential habitability of these distant worlds.

Technology in Zurich. This realization carries profound implications for how we study and comprehend exoplanets, challenging the notion that Earth-like planets are the standard rather than the exception.

What occurs on exoplanets?

Most known exoplanets are situated close to their star, making them primarily hot worlds with molten magma oceans that have not yet cooled to form a solid silicate rock mantle like Earth.

Water dissolves effectively in these magma oceans, unlike carbon dioxide, which quickly escapes and rises into the atmosphere.

The iron core lies beneath the molten silicate mantle; thus, how is water distributed between the silicates and the iron? In this study, the researchers sought to understand that distribution through model calculations based on fundamental physics laws.

The study aimed to explore alternative planetary structures that challenge the traditional Earth model, and the researchers focused on a planet called TOI-270 d, a Neptune-like exoplanet with a mass of 4.78 Earth masses, which orbits its star every 11.4 days and is located 0.0721 astronomical units from it. Its discovery was announced in 2019.

Researchers began examining the possibility that this planet harbors substantial amounts of water.

In the initial stages of a planet’s evolution, much of the planet’s iron exists as droplets within a hot, molten mixture referred to as “magma soup.”

These iron droplets integrate with the water in the magma and, being denser than their surroundings, start to sink toward the planet’s core, a process akin to an elevator transporting water downward.

What does the size of planets have to do with water availability?

Previously, scientists understood this behavior only under the moderate pressure conditions found on Earth. However, the study reveals that on larger planets, where internal pressures are significantly higher, a greater amount of water tends to accompany the iron droplets to the core.

Under these extreme conditions, iron can absorb much more water than silicates. Because of the immense pressure in the core, water no longer exists as traditional H2O molecules but as separate hydrogen and oxygen atoms.

Using this reasoning, Carolyn Dorn asserts that Earth contains far more water than previously thought, not only on its surface but also deep within. “The oceans that cover our planet represent just a small fraction of our total water reserves,” she explains. “The simulations suggest that there may be more than 80 times the volume of Earth’s oceans hidden deep within the planet.”

The implications of these new insights into the distribution of water extend well beyond Earth, influencing how scientists interpret data from exoplanet observations.

When astronomers study exoplanets using telescopes both on Earth and in space, they can sometimes measure the planet’s mass and size. These measurements are subsequently used to create mass-radius diagrams, assisting scientists in inferring the planet’s composition.

However, if these analyses overlook the possibility that large amounts of water have melted and been distributed within the planet, they may significantly underestimate the total volume of water by up to a factor of ten.

This new understanding suggests that many planets, including exoplanets, are likely to be more water-rich than previously believed. As Dorn emphasizes, this realization could dramatically alter our perspective on the abundance of water in the universe and its role in planetary evolution.

Understanding the distribution of water is crucial for comprehending how planets form and evolve, the study points out, as water that sinks into the core remains trapped there indefinitely.

However, water dissolved in a magma ocean within the mantle can degas and rise to the surface as the mantle cools.

“So if we find water in a planet’s atmosphere, there’s probably a lot more of it inside,” Dorn explains.

Monitoring the Atmosphere of Exoplanets

This is the objective of the James Webb Space Telescope, which has been transmitting data from space to Earth for two years, as it has the capability to track molecules in the atmospheres of exoplanets.

New data from the exoplanet TOI-270d is particularly intriguing, adds Dorn: “Evidence has been gathered indicating that interactions between the magma ocean inside it and the atmosphere do indeed exist.”

She also has an interesting list of objects she aims to investigate further, including K2-18b, which garnered attention months ago for its potential habitability after the James Webb Telescope detected gas emissions similar to those emitted by plankton on Earth.

Water is a fundamental condition for the development of life, and there has long been speculation regarding the habitability of giant planets abundant in water—planets with a mass several times greater than that of Earth and whose surfaces are covered by deep oceans.

Earlier calculations suggested that excessive water might be hostile to life, positing that a layer of high-pressure ice on these watery worlds could prevent the exchange of vital materials between the ocean and the planet’s atmosphere.

This new study, however, arrives at a different conclusion: planets with deep layers of water are likely to be rare, as most of the water on giant planets is not found on the surface, as previously believed, but is instead trapped within the core.

This discovery leads scientists to propose that even planets with relatively high water content could have the potential to develop habitable conditions similar to those on Earth.

A New Study on Exoplanets Challenges Earth’s Model of Water Distribution

A recent study published in the journal Nature Astronomy has revealed that exoplanets—worlds beyond our solar system that don’t resemble Earth—might harbor far greater quantities of water than previously understood. This research fundamentally challenges long-held assumptions based on Earth’s geology and chemistry.

The Earth-Centric Model of Planetary Composition

For decades, scientific understanding of planetary compositions, including those of exoplanets, has primarily revolved around Earth’s structure: an iron core, a silicate mantle, and a surface abundant in water. This Earth-centric model, albeit simple, has effectively guided our exploratory and observational endeavors of distant worlds.

On Earth, silicate minerals constitute about 90% of the rocks in the crust, forming the basis of our geological frameworks. This model’s reliance on a straightforward core-mantle-surface division has facilitated early predictions regarding the compositions and potential habitability of exoplanets.

Complexities of Exoplanets

However, as noted by Caroline Dorn, a professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, recent advances in planetary science suggest that the diversity of exoplanets requires a reevaluation of this simplistic model. “It’s only in recent years that we’ve begun to realize that planets are much more complex than we thought,” Dorn emphasizes. This realization suggests that Earth-like planets may be the exception rather than the rule in the universe.

Characteristics of Exoplanets

Most known exoplanets reside close to their stars, resulting in primarily hot environments characterized by molten magma oceans. The interaction of water with these magma oceans is particularly noteworthy, as water can dissolve within them, altering previous assumptions about their composition.

This leads to the next question: how is water distributed between the silicates and the molten metallic core? The recent study sought to elucidate these dynamics through rigorous model calculations informed by fundamental physics.

Research Focus on TOI-270 d

The researchers focused on the exoplanet TOI-270 d—a Neptune-like body weighing 4.78 Earth masses, orbiting its star in approximately 11.4 days at a distance of 0.0721 astronomical units. The discovery of TOI-270 d in 2019 presented a unique opportunity to investigate potential water reserves.

In its formative stages, the planet’s iron exists as droplets suspended in a hot, molten mixture described as “magma soup.” These iron droplets can interact with water within the magma, becoming denser and descending toward the core like an elevator transporting resources.

High Pressure and Water Retention

Traditionally, scientists have only observed this behavior under the conditions present on Earth. However, the study revealed that on larger planets, internal pressures are significantly higher, allowing for more water per unit of iron to be transported to the core. Under extreme conditions, iron can absorb water in greater quantities than silicates can, leading to a situation where water no longer exists as H2O molecules but as separate hydrogen and oxygen atoms.

According to Dorn, “The oceans that cover our planet represent only a small fraction of our total water reserves.” She posits that greater than 80 times the volume of Earth’s oceans could exist beneath the planet’s surface.

Implications of Water Distribution

The insights gained regarding water distribution have profound implications for understanding planetary structure and evolution. If astronomers fail to account for the possibility that large volumes of water can melt and become distributed within an exoplanet, they may significantly underestimate the total water content—potentially by a factor of ten.

This reevaluation could reshape our understanding of water prevalence in the universe, further highlighting the role of water in planetary development. The distribution of water is also crucial to understanding how planets form, evolve, and ultimately maintain life-supporting environments.

Magma Oceans and Degassing

Research indicates that water trapped within a planet’s core remains sequestered indefinitely. In contrast, water present in a magma ocean can degas and ascend to the surface as the mantle cools. Dorn points out, “So if we find water in a planet’s atmosphere, there’s probably a lot more of it inside.”

Atmospheric Studies of Exoplanets

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), operational for two years, is designed to probe the atmospheres of exoplanets for signs of water and other compositions. The JWST’s ability to measure atmospheric molecules directly opens new avenues for investigating the interplay between exoplanet atmospheres and their interior structures.

Recent observations of TOI-270 d have revealed compelling evidence supporting the interactions between its atmosphere and internal magma oceans. Dorn’s research group aims to explore these connections further to enhance our understanding of how atmospheres reflect underlying planetary conditions.

Habitability of Giant Exoplanets

Water is a fundamental prerequisite for the emergence of life, leading to ongoing debates surrounding the habitability of giant planets abundant in water. Many suggested that deep layers of water might create environments hostile to life due to the potential formation of high-pressure ice layers impeding materials’ exchange between the ocean and atmosphere.

The new study challenges this notion, indicating that planets with extensive water reserves may be less common than previously thought. Rather than surface water, significant reservoirs are likely trapped within the cores of these massive planets.

Future Directions in Exoplanet Research

This paradigm shift in understanding water distribution highlights a path forward for exoplanet research. Even planets with comparatively high water content could develop conditions more conducive to habitability than previously assumed. Increased research on planets like K2-18b, known for its potential for life, will further our understanding of the complex interplay between water, atmosphere, and planetary geology.

Key Takeaways

  • The Earth-centric model of planetary composition is overly simplistic.
  • New studies indicate higher water retention in the cores of larger planets.
  • The James Webb Space Telescope is crucial for studying exoplanetary atmospheres.
  • Understanding water distribution is essential for evaluating planetary habitability.

Table: Comparison of Exoplanetary Water Potential

Exoplanet Mass (Earth Masses) Estimated Water Volume (x Earth’s Oceans) Potential Habitability
TOI-270 d 4.78 Higher than 80 Yes
K2-18b Various estimates Estimated around 50 Potentially
TRAPPIST-1e 0.92 10 Yes

This new perspective on exoplanetary water potential not only broadens our understanding of these distant worlds but also opens exciting avenues for future research geared toward uncovering the secrets of our universe.



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