In 2015, a study of 4800 unused apartments in the city of Salzburg was mentioned. The update of the analysis now assumes 3600 vacancies. The ÖVP interprets this as a success of their policy. From the point of view of an expert, however, vacancies are not a great lever for solving housing problems in Salzburg.
2000? 5000? Or even 10,000? There are enough estimates of the number of vacant apartments in the city of Salzburg. The Salzburg Institute for Regional Planning and Housing provided a clue in 2015. At that time, the SIR came up with around 4,800 “actually unused apartments”. Deducting apartments being renovated, main residences that were unused due to professional absence, and apartments that were vacant in preparation for major renovations or demolition work, there remained a “theoretical mobilization potential” of around 3,500 apartments.
Now that has…