Students Trained to Become Agribusiness Entrepreneurs in Baznas Bootcamp Program – 2024-08-06 14:21:51

Entrepreneurship training for students in the Baznas Bootcamp Program (Baznas Doc.)

The National Zakat Collection Agency (Baznas) of the Republic of Indonesia held Bootcamp Santripreneur in the Agribusiness Sector in the context of empowering the mustahik economy.

This event was held in collaboration with the Al-Ittifaq Islamic Boarding School Cooperative (Kopontren Al-Ittifaq) and was aimed at final year students and graduates of Islamic boarding schools who aspire to become entrepreneurs in the agribusiness sector.

The Baznas Santripreneur Agribusiness Program is an economic empowerment initiative based on business competition.

This program is aimed at students who have ideas and innovations in business development according to their respective business clusters.

Training Bootcamp Santripreneur Agribusiness will take place on 6-15 August 2024 at the Al-Ittifaq Islamic Boarding School, Alamendah Village, Rancabali District, Bandung Regency, West Java.

“Through this program, Baznas and Kopontren Al-Ittifaq are trying to create young entrepreneurs who are ready to face challenges in the agribusiness sector. This series of intensive training and business competitions for 10 days is expected to produce competent young entrepreneurs,” said Head of Baznas RI for Distribution and Empowerment of Baznas RI Saidah Sakwan on Tuesday (6/8).

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Saidah explained that the participants would receive business training at Kopontren Al-Ittifaq, including an understanding of the agribusiness sector from upstream to downstream.

The training materials include theory and direct practice facilitated by Kopontren Al-Ittifaq.

“We hope that this program can produce students who not only have business skills, but are also able to innovate and provide real solutions for society,” Saidah added.

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The Head of Kopontren Al-Ittifaq Agus Setia Irawan, also welcomed the bootcamp training. He hopes that this collaboration can inspire students to become strong entrepreneurs in the agribusiness sector.

“By providing training, mentoring, and capital support, students can develop quality and sustainable businesses, and contribute positively to the nation’s economy,” he added.

Previously, participant selection was conducted through online registration with a total of 523 participants from all over Indonesia. Of that number, 100 people were selected to take part in online training on the Business Model Canvas concept and making business proposals.

Then, after the audition selection, 50 participants were selected to take part. Bootcamp di Copontren Al-Ittifaq.

This training activity includes understanding theory and direct practice in the field of agribusiness, and will end with a Grand Final to determine the winner of the Baznas Santripreneur Agribusiness Sector program. #MIA (RO/Z-10)

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