Students, retirees, singles… with inflation, 42% of precarious French people go without a meal a day

A study by Ifop reveals on April 8, 2023 that among the most precarious, more than 2 out of 5 French people have been without a meal every day since the start of inflation.

The figure that underlies the food insecurity of millions of French people. In an Ifop study revealed by the Parisian this April 8, the number of precarious French people depriving themselves of a meal since the start of inflation is 42 %.

Fit into budget

Inflation weighs heavily on the most modest households. Entitled “La Tablée des chefs”, this Ifop study published by our colleagues reveals the extent of French sacrifice to be able to fit the price of their groceries into their budget.

Some have no choice, in order not to be in the red too much, they have to tighten their belts and deprive themselves of one meal a day. 42% of them have given up their breakfast, lunch, snack or dinner.

The survey focuses on the poorest 30% of French people, those who earn a Smic (average interprofessional growth salary), or less. 79% of them would have reduced their food purchases to cope with the price increase, particularly visible in the food sector.

The director of public opinion at Ifop, Jérôme Fourquet, explains to our colleagues that the amount of food is sometimes reduced for all meals.

They do not necessarily reduce the quantities of food at all meals, but it comes up regularly. The last alarm in terms of consumer crisis had been raised by the yellow vests, a slightly more affluent public, who might no longer afford small pleasures

Of the 1,007 people surveyed, more than half said they had reduced the portions on their plates, while 42% of them said they now prefer to skip a meal to be able to stick to their budget.

None profile precarious is no exception to this trend: it concerns students as much as retirees, single people and couples.

Food prices are skyrocketing

Circana, a consulting firm specializing in consumption, has scanned the prices of foodstuffs and everyday consumer products over the past few months and over a year, in mass distribution and in convenience stores: Auchan, Carrefour, Leclerc, Casino, Proxi, Intermarché…twelve brands are targeted. Result: in March, inflation increased by + 1.8%, and + 2.8% for groceries.

He listed the prices in 12 signs present in the mass distribution niche or convenience stores, for food and bazaar. The rise in prices is spectacular: + 16.2% for all channels combined over the past year, with peaks for the products mentioned.

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