students organize sit-ins to demand solutions

2023-11-07 16:42:56

Secondary school students in Roca They called themselves to carry out massive sit-inss and demand answers to the lack of bread for breakfast in institutionseducational services of the city. They assure that Education does not provide answers. This newspaper consulted the School Council regarding this situation but they did not provide answers.

Hundreds of students began the week demanding the lack of bread in the schools they attend, They indicated that the situation was complicated compared to other days since this time they were told that: “There will not be until further notice.”

A student from school No. 155, Juan Liotta, explained to Diario RÍO NEGRO that The problem has been recurring for several months, since on several occasions they found that they would not be able to receive their school snack due to lack of supplies. “There have been two times in the last few weeks that they told us there was no bread,” He indicated and added that when asked, the bakery supplier indicated that deliveries are not being made because Education does not make payments.

«Today is the second day of the week in which we do not have breakfast and the council does not want to give us explanations»assured the young man.

In this sense, the student, who is also part of the student center, explained thate they convened themselves with centers belonging to other schools and organized a group to carry out the claim together. “We are going to be holding sit-ins to make the situation visible and demand the answers we deserve,” he expressed.

This is one of the many examples of abandonment towards public education in the town.

Juan Liotta, student at school N°155

The young man explained that So far there are 11 schools that have joined the initiative since they all share the same problem and fear continuing in the same situation.

Without bread in Roca schools: Unter targeted Education

Sources from the Unter teaching union indicated that during a meeting held on Monday the 6th at the Roca School Council, they presented a formal complaint regarding the situation of the lack of bread in the schools.

They indicated that this has already affected all educational establishments and that is why they denounce “the official improvisation with student food.”

For their part, they added that according to what was gathered, the baking company that provides the service “decided to suspend the delivery of bread for snacks in response to the province’s lack of payment.” This led to the students being involved as they were the main ones affected.

«We repudiate the violation of rights and the open and raw fit that the provincial government is applying in areas as sensitive as transportation and school cafeteriaswhat directly attacks the social right to education«, they criticized from the teaching union.

From this medium, an explanation was requested from the Roca School Council to delve into the situation, but they did not respond to the query.

#students #organize #sitins #demand #solutions



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