Students from Villa Río Hondo pay homage to their town in a zamba 57 years after the “Riohondeño Exodus”

26/03/2023 – 11:57 Interior

sixth grade students of the School No. 2 Juan Bautista Alberdi from the town of Villa Río Hondo carried out a beautiful tribute project to their community on the 57th anniversary of the transfer of the villa from the lake area of ​​the El Frontal dam to its current location, known as “Riohondeño Exodus”.

The initiative started in the music space, by Professor Juan José Jiménez, and it is a zamba, which was performed by musicians from The Río Hondo Hot Springs.

The teacher said that the students collected information and photos of that event that occurred on March 26, 1966.

After collecting the data, a tribute zamba was written that was performed by the artists from Terma Iris and Daniel Désima, Raúl Rojas, Gaby Cano and Diego Barla.

The interpretation covers part of that history that is part of the identity of this town located 15 kilometers from Las Termas de Río, and was recorded in Diego Barla’s Garage Records studio.

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