Student Voices Concern: ‘We’re Facing Challenges in FIQ Negotiations


Frustration‌ Among Nursing Students Over Quebec-FIQ‍ Standoff

September 3, 2024

The standoff between Quebec and the FIQ over staff⁤ mobility has frustrated some nursing students, with one confirming they ⁢”can’t ⁤accept​ this anymore.”

“We’re hitting a wall,” said Caroline ‍Dufour, a doctoral student in nursing at the University of Quebec in Outaouais, in an interview with TVA Nouvelles.

“This sends a message to the public and nurses⁣ that they are interchangeable,” she added.

The young woman denounced that nurses who work in a specific department may be sent to another department “as if there is⁤ no danger and no problem”.

The⁢ government has clarified that it still wants to respect the expertise of every health professional.

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However, Ms.⁣ Dufour said health care workers at certain hospitals in Morrissey and ⁢central Quebec are not choosing to go to unpopular ‌departments.

For ‌example, a CLSC nurse practitioner may be required to⁤ work in the surgical department. “If you haven’t had surgery in several years, it may⁤ take ⁣several months before you feel comfortable,” ⁣the student explained.

She understands there are staff shortages in all four corners of the province, but ⁣wants to remind people that‍ such regulations also impact the ability to provide the highest quality care possible.

Regional Challenges in Healthcare

Ms. Dufour, from Outaouais, ⁢explained that one of the issues in her ⁤region remains the border issue with neighboring provinces. ‌She said Ontario’s health-care system offers better wages and different working conditions, prompting them to work across the border.

“We need‍ to work hard‌ to improve working conditions in the region […] Because every region has⁢ its particularities.”

At the end of August, Finance Minister Sonia LeBel presented a new proposal to FIQ. ​The latter first rejected the agreement ​and then ​published it ⁢on its‌ social network despite the confidentiality ‍notice. The strategy⁤ has been praised by many but criticized ⁣by others.

Quebec’s main‍ nursing union is still negotiating with the government, but the CSN and CSQ have successfully reached an agreement.

To watch the full interview, click on the video ⁢above.



Frustration Among Nursing Students Over Quebec-FIQ Standoff

September 3, 2024

The standoff between Quebec and the FIQ over staff mobility has frustrated some nursing students, with one confirming they "can't accept this anymore."

"We're hitting a wall," said Caroline Dufour, a doctoral student in nursing. She expressed concerns about the implications of the ongoing conflict for both current and future nurses. “It’s affecting our education and future job prospects. We’re supposed to be learning and training to help people, but this situation makes us feel like we’re stuck.”

The FIQ (Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec) has been advocating for better working conditions and more flexible staff mobility options, but negotiations have yet to produce a satisfactory agreement. As talks continue, nursing students are voicing their frustrations and calling for a resolution.

Other students echoed Dufour's sentiments, noting that the standoff is not only impacting their academic experience but also the healthcare system in Quebec. "We need to be able to move where we're needed most, especially during critical times. This back-and-forth is making it difficult for us to plan our futures," said another student, who wished to remain anonymous.

The situation remains tense as both sides prepare for another round of negotiations in the coming weeks. Nursing students are hopeful for a positive outcome that would support their education and the health of the community they aim to serve.



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