Student transfers: What’s changing for families with three children

The amendment in question satisfies a large part of the demands put forward by the three-child families as it provides for the abolition of the income criteria for the transfer of students from three-child and multi-child families, the improvement of the transfer system with regard to the ownership and usufruct of residence by the parents or from the siblings of students from three-child and large-child families as well as the increase of 3 points in the applications of students from three-child and large-child families, from the current 1.5 to 2 points. It is worth noting that from the Ministry of Education’s point of view, the “cutoff” of 2750 points of the Minimum Admission Base was observed, which is still valid as it is.

Article 2 of the Amendment

It concerns families with members studying in A.E.I./A.E.A., who either have three children/multiple children or have at least one member who presents a disability of 67% or more or faces specific serious health problems or one of the two parents has died.

According to the Ministry of Education, the scoring of social criteria for the transfer of persons studying in the first cycle study program A.E.I./A.E.A. based on the existing legislation, it must be strengthened, for the purpose of more comprehensive protection of the family and with the proposed increase in points, the studies of members of families with three and many children and members of families with one or more members who have a sixty-seven percent disability (67 %) and above or suffers from certain serious diseases or one sixth parent has died.

By increasing the points for transfer based on economic and social criteria, which are received by the members of families with three and many children, who are studying in the 1st cycle program of A.E.I./A.E.A., the special state care in favor of three-child and large-child families. In particular, from one and a half (1.5) and two (2) points respectively, the points are increased to three (3) in both cases, with the aim of financially supporting the families in question, facilitating the studies of their members, and addressing the demographic problem.

In addition, with the increase in scoring from one (1) to two (2) points, for each family member (parent, child, sibling or spouse), who either has a disability of 67% or more, or suffers from specific serious diseases, the protection of the institution of the family and of persons with disabilities is strengthened. Finally, the corresponding increase in the number of points awarded to an orphan applicant by a parent from two (2) to three (3) points is dictated by the need to maintain the existing weighting, i.e. the performance of the same number of points as the applicants’ points before the increase members of large families.

Article 3 of the Amendment

It concerns families with at least two children studying in A.E.I./A.E.A.. According to the existing legislation, families with two or more children enrolled in Departments of different regional units face exorbitant operating costs for the maintenance of many households resulting in many students being forced to drop out of their studies. Through the gathering of all or some brothers in a regional unit, there is a reduction in the operational expenses of the family for the implementation of the studies of its members. With the proposed provision, the transfer system of siblings studying in first cycle programs is reformed and a special procedure is established for the transfer of siblings who are members of families with three or many children, as a special measure to strengthen and protect the institution of the family.

The transfer is satisfied as a matter of priority, in accordance with the order provided for in the provision, in order for the transfers to be carried out in a rational manner, excluding cases of circumvention of the regulation. In addition, in order to facilitate the transfer of siblings with a view to protecting the family, the condition of the maximum income criterion (for three-child and multi-child families) is abolished and the existing negative condition of non-ownership or usufruct of a residence, by the transfer applicant siblings or their parents, is limited, in the Regional Unit where their Department of study is based. By expressly establishing one hundred percent (100%) ownership or usufruct, jointly or severally, the existing exclusion due to ownership or usufruct of any percentage is waived.

Finally, it is clarified that siblings who do not apply for transfer in order for one or more of their siblings to be transferred to the corresponding Department of their Regional Study Unit, lose the right to apply for transfer with this article, but retain the right to apply based on articles 75, 77, 78 and 79 of Law 4692/2020 (A’ 111), from the next academic year.

Transcription with Economic and social criteria

The Financial criteria do not change. In the social criteria we have the following changes:

Old setting New setting
Three children 1,5 points +0.5 points for each unmarried child under the age of 25 in the family other than the applicant 3 points +0.5 points for each unmarried child under the age of 25 in the family other than the applicant
Many children 2 points +0.5 points for each unmarried child under the age of 25 in the family other than the applicant 3 points +0.5 points for each unmarried child under the age of 25 in the family other than the applicant
Orphaned by one parent 2 molecules 3 molecules
Orphaned by both parents 5 molecules 5 molecules
Child of an unmarried mother 2 molecules 2 molecules
Relative with disability > 67% 1 molecule 2 molecules
Study: Stratos Stratigakis

Transferring undergraduate students

In the transfers of the category of sibling students, which are made without quantitative limitation, we have the following changes:

Two or more siblings of three-child or large-child families, who have not exceeded the minimum duration of study, may request transfer in all study years.

The per capita income does not exceed 15,000 euros.

Siblings of three-child and large-child families who do not apply for transfer retain the right to apply from the following academic year.

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#Student #transfers #Whats #changing #families #children



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