struck | DAY 4 – In the shoes of a superstar Deejayette

Real name Anouk Matton, MATTN is a reference in the world of electronic music. Present at the biggest festivals in the world for several years, it seduces with its great technical qualities and its ability to combine mainstream and more advanced music. At Tomorrowland for the week accompanied by her husband, Dimitri Vegas and their son, she performed today at the Crystal Garden, the emblematic stage of the festival.

There is a lot of pressure that I have to take care of my image all the time.

With your notoriety and your visibility, you have become an ambassador in this rather masculine universe, do you feel it as a pressure or an opportunity?

“To be honest, it’s a bit of both. Sometimes I would like to be more free to do everyday things without being recognized. To be able to live like everyone else. There’s a lot of pressure that I have to take care of my image all the time. But there are still good sides to this notoriety, like when I am told that I am an inspiration for certain people.”

Influential woman in the music world, often very masculine, we wanted to know what advice she would give to women who would like to launch their career. His answer is unequivocal: Just go for it. (Get started!). “You shouldn’t hesitate and get started. Believing in yourself is very important. When you believe in yourself, anything is possible.”

Watch the full interview:

Frapp / RadioFr. – Writing

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