Strong profit recovery in the first half

The activity of the Lesieur Cristal Group was severely disrupted during the first half of the year, in particular due to the international geopolitical context which resulted in a general increase in the price of raw materials on a world scale and more particularly oilseeds.

This situation has had a direct impact both on the availability of crude sunflower and soybean oils, as well as on their purchase price.

Under the impact of the sharp rise in raw material prices internationally, Lesieur Cristal recorded revenue of 3.6 billion dirhams, compared to 2.36 billion in H1 2021. This change is also attributable the resumption of activity during this year, compared to the years 2020 and 2021 marked by the impact of the health crisis on household consumption.

The operating result goes from 115 MDH to 401 MDH in H1 2022 while the net income increases from 44 to 223 MDH, benefiting from greater operational efficiency.

At the end of June 2022, the group posted positive cash of 921 MDH.

Note the start-up during this semester of the soap unit of its subsidiary Oleosen in Senegal. This new unit provides for the local production of soap under the brand name of the “La Main” group.

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