Specifically, according to the Geodynamic Institute of the National Observatory of Athens today, at 02:37 Greek time, the seismological network recorded a weak seismic tremor with a magnitude of 4.3 on the Richter scale. The earthquake occurred at a distance of 156 km W of Athens. The epicenter of the tremor is located 16 km SW of Kalavryta.
Earthquake in Kalavryta: “It has no impact on the region of Achaia”
“The earthquake, measuring 4.3 on the Richter scale, which occurred at 2:37 in the morning with an epicenter 16 kilometers west, southwest of Kalavryta, has practically no impact on the region of Achaia,” he said, speaking to APE- MEP, Athanasios Ganas, research director of the Geodynamic Institute of the National Observatory.
As he added, “the seismic tremor occurred under the Peloponnese on the subducting African plate, it was of intermediate depth, characteristic of the arc and has not repeated any impact on Achaia”.
In the meantime, according to the Fire Department, no damage has been reported from the earthquake.
Earthquake: What to do at the time of the tremor
Citizens can find specific instructions on what to do during the earthquake and after the earthquake on the website of the general secretariat of Civil Protection. Here are the instructions:
When an earthquake occurs:
If you are inside the house
Keep your cool. Take cover under some sturdy piece of furniture (table, desk, desk), kneel down and hold his leg with your hands. If there is no sturdy furniture, kneel in the middle of the room, reducing your height as much as possible and protect your head and neck with your hands. Move away from large glass surfaces (windows, glass partitions) or furniture and objects that could injure you. Do not try to move away from home. Do not go out on the balcony.
If you are in a tall building
Move away from windows and exterior walls.
If you are in an entertainment area, shopping center or large store
Keep your cool. Stay in the area until the vibration stops. Don’t get carried away by the panicked crowd moving disorderly towards the exits or you risk getting trampled.
If you are in an open area
Move away from areas under buildings, telephone or power lines. If you have a bag or briefcase with you, cover your head with it.
If you are in the car
Take refuge in an open space and stop the car carefully so that it does not obstruct traffic. Avoid going through tunnels, bridges or overpasses.
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#Strong #earthquake #Kalavryta
Script type=text/javascript
It looks like you have a JavaScript snippet that involves loading various advertising and analytics services. Here’s a breakdown of what’s happening along with some recommendations and improvements:
### Key Components in the Snippet
1. **Adsense Removal for Mobile**:
– The snippet checks for elements with the class `adsense-for-mobile` and removes the AdSense script if conditions are met.
2. **AdSense Script Handling**:
– It looks for elements with the class `adsbygoogle` and prepares to handle them. However, the actual asynchronous loading of the scripts seems to be commented out or incomplete.
3. **Adman Initialization**:
– Phaistos Adman is being used, and a call to its adunit function is initiated but left incomplete.
4. **OneSignal Initialization**:
– The OneSignal service is being initialized with an app ID inside a deferred script loader pattern.
5. **Disqus Setup**:
– Disqus integration is prepared but not fully completed. The script’s source URL is incomplete.
6. **CleverCore**:
– The CleverCore loading script is commented out, but it includes a method to create a script element and load the script asynchronously.
7. **Taboola/Project Agora and Other Ad Networks**:
– Space for loading scripts from Taboola, Google AdSense, and Glomex is there but incomplete.
### Suggestions for Improvement
1. **Complete the Script URLs**:
– Ensure that all script sources, such as the URLs for Disqus and the various ad services, are correctly completed.
2. **Error Handling / Fallbacks**:
– Consider adding error handling for the script loading functions to deal with unsuccessful loads.
3. **Use of Promises**:
– If using modern JavaScript, consider using Promises or `async/await` for better control over the asynchronous loading of scripts.
4. **Organize Script Loading**:
– Instead of using multiple `setTimeout` calls, handle all scripts using a unified function that takes care of loading scripts in sequence or parallel as needed.
5. **Performance Optimization**:
– Avoid loading scripts unnecessarily if not required. Check for the visibility of ads or establish user preferences before loading.
### Example of a Simple Async Load Function
Here’s an example of how you might define and use an `asyncLoadScript` function:
function asyncLoadScript(url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const script = document.createElement(‘script’);
script.src = url;
script.onload = resolve;
script.onerror = reject;
// Example usage
.then(() => {
console.log(‘Script loaded successfully’);
.catch((error) => {
console.error(‘Error loading script’, error);
### Conclusion
The code snippet you’re working with is a part of an ad management system. Ensure that any critical URLs or configurations are properly set up. Following modern JavaScript practices can improve the maintainability and efficiency of your code.