Strong claim from the UIC to the leadership: “the State as it is today is useless”

2023-09-15 03:32:30

The 15th Colloquium of the Industrial Union of Córdoba (UIC) brought together some 600 businessmen from Córdoba, national leaders of different chambers (including the mother entity, the Argentine Industrial Union) and national and provincial officials.

The message that remained floating in the corridors of the Córdoba Convention Center, and following listening to the different presentations of analysts, economists and businessmen, was that the limit of what is tolerable in economic, political, social and institutional terms is being reached.

Part of this was reflected in the tough opening speech given by UIC president Luis Macario.

“The national and macro situation conditions us, a lot. Today it is fashionable to demonize the role of the State and its usefulness is completely questioned. I agree that the State, as it is today, is useless. We need it to be less onerous, more effective and efficient. Argentina is on such a path of decadence that it has led us to lose all rationality and even tolerance. So many things have been done wrong that society once once more says enough is enough. I hope it is, as so many say today, the beginning of a change of era, where common sense prevails over ideologies.”

Macario also asked to stop depending on the discretion of the official on duty. “Institutionalism gives us predictability, a long-term horizon where conditions do not change drastically and dramatically from one day to the next. This is what we call legal security. We must get away from the logic that everything the predecessor did is useless and that we have to start over. The country cannot be refounded with each change of government. Even though there is a society that is shouting it from the rooftops.”

In a clear message to the political leadership that is focused on contesting the elections, he claimed: “It is healthy for parties or coalitions to have different approaches to the solutions that are needed and for the majority to decide who will represent us. But once the elections are over, the ruling party and the opposition will have to meet and agree. Both must have the responsibility and the courage to establish common denominators, accepting that no one has the revealed and irrefutable truth. It is imperative to do so, since 46 million Argentines depend on it.”

Macario also listed some of the specific problems that entrepreneurs deal with every day:

How do you work in a context where inflation exceeds 3 digits annually and distorts all analyses? How can you invest when interest rates are so high and credit to the private sector is scarce? How does it work? In a world that is globalized with restrictions on foreign trade where it depends on an authorization to import inputs, spare parts and capital goods? How can we compete in the world if we apply export duties when most countries are careful not to charge taxes on their exports?

Finally, he demanded that magical solutions be put aside without political cost: “Today we are in a moment where adjustments are inevitable. It takes the decision and courage to assume that leadership and be clear with society. Because if sacrifices are going to be demanded, whoever proposes it must take the lead and be the first, ruling by example.”

#Strong #claim #UIC #leadership #State #today #useless



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