Stricter Fines for Arsonists: Athens Takes Action to Combat Deliberately-Started Fires in Greece

2023-08-01 13:32:47

Athens will impose tougher fines on arsonists. Greek Climate Minister Vassilis Kikilias made this clear on Tuesday, following reports that many of the fires this summer on the Greek mainland and islands were started deliberately.

The fines could exceed 30,000 euros, warned Mr. Kikilias on the public channel ERT. According to the newspaper To Proto Thema, the measure is mainly aimed at prevention and the amount of the fines could be doubled in the event of a repeat offence. Violators could also be required to pay the cost of extinguishing the fires. Until now, the law provided for fines ranging from 300 euros to a maximum of 5,000 euros.

Dozens of fires rage in Greece every day, spreading rapidly due to persistent drought. Last week, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis attributed most of the fires to foul play.

Many fires are caused by negligence, for example when garden waste is burned or barbecues are lit in windy weather. Sparks caused by welding and grinding are another cause of fire ignition.

In the event of arson, the perpetrators may be sentenced to imprisonment. Authorities recognize that it is difficult to catch arsonists. Twenty-one arrests were reportedly made in connection with the July fires. About 1,470 wildfires were recorded in the country that month.

#Tougher #sentences #arsonists #Greece

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