Strict Fines Imposed on Kiosk and Beach Club Operators for Safety Violations and Unapproved Events

Police crackdown on premises in the Tyrrhenian province. As ordered by the Police Headquarters, numerous control and inspection activities were carried out from Torrenova to Tusa. Nine premises were checked, including three beach resorts and two seasonal kiosks. The checks, sometimes carried out with the support of Asp and Arpa, led to the contestation of numerous administrative sanctions.

In one of the beach establishments checked by the police officers of the Police Station, with the collaboration of the police officers on board the Messina Police Headquarters’ jet skis, expired drugs were found in the first aid kit as well as lifeguards without the required aids for signaling danger. For these offences, fines of approximately 2,000 euros were contested. At another establishment, where a dance evening was underway, the absence of the required license as well as suitable equipment for detecting blood alcohol levels was verified. In this circumstance, administrative offences were contested for a total amount of 2,749 euros.

A summer kiosk was inspected by the Police Station together with Arpa and staff from the Asp of Messina: following the Arpa investigations, fines of approximately 2,000 euros were imposed for violating the
legal limits on noise emissions; furthermore, the ASP’s investigations revealed the absence of basic hygiene and health requirements, with the consequent suspension of the license to serve food and drinks. The same fate befell another summer kiosk that was inspected together with the ASP of Messina: due to the absence of dedicated toilets for service personnel, the license to serve food and drinks was suspended, with the simultaneous closure of the premises. Another premises was fined for the absence of the required acoustic impact report.

Finally, the police station of Sant’Agata di Militello carried out checks on the rental of properties to non-EU citizens. During the summer period, 20 owners were fined for having rented properties to
non-EU citizens without notifying the Public Security Authority within the following 48 hours. It is important to remember, in fact, that those who do not comply with the required notification are subject to a fine ranging from 500 to 3,500 euros, under the Consolidated Law on Immigration.

Title: Police ⁤Crackdown on Unsafe Premises in Tyrrhenian Province: Ensuring Public Safety During the Summer Season


The Tyrrhenian province‍ has recently witnessed a significant crackdown by local law⁣ enforcement agencies aimed ​at enhancing public safety and maintaining⁢ standards in recreational establishments. Under the directive of the Police Headquarters, thorough inspections were conducted across various ⁣premises from Torrenova to Tusa. This article provides insight into the nature of these inspections, the⁢ findings, and the implications for business owners and patrons alike.

Overview of Inspections

In an​ effort to uphold safety standards, the police carried ⁣out comprehensive inspections on nine establishments, including three​ beach resorts and two seasonal​ kiosks. The operations, which were ⁤often conducted in collaboration with the Health Authority (Asp) and the Environment Protection Agency (Arpa), aimed to ensure compliance with health regulations and safety ⁣protocols, especially during the busy summer⁣ months.

Findings and Administrative Sanctions

The inspections uncovered several serious violations that warranted immediate action:

  1. Beach Establishments Under Scrutiny:

In one instance, police officers discovered expired medication in the first aid kits of a⁤ beach resort, along⁣ with lifeguards who⁣ were not equipped with necessary signaling devices for emergencies. ⁢For these critical infractions, fines totaling approximately €2,000 were imposed. ​This highlights the importance of compliance with safety regulations‌ to protect patrons at waterfront venues.

  1. Dance‌ Evening Violations:

During a lively dance event ⁤at another beach venue, officers identified a lack of the required licenses and appropriate equipment for blood alcohol concentration testing. The ‍establishment faced administrative fines totaling‌ €2,749.⁤ Such enforcement actions are vital for ensuring responsible alcohol service and safeguarding the wellbeing of guests.

  1. Seasonal Kiosk Violations:

⁣ An ⁤inspection of one summer kiosk revealed serious ‍noise ‍violations—imposing fines⁢ close to €2,000 due‌ to excessive noise emissions beyond legal ‌limits, as determined by Arpa assessments. Furthermore, the ⁢ASP’s health⁢ checks‍ discovered the absence of basic hygiene and health regulations, which resulted in the suspension of the kiosk’s license to serve‌ food and drinks.

  1. Additional Kiosk Infractions:‍

Another seasonal kiosk was found lacking essential sanitation facilities, specifically dedicated toilets for staff. As a result, it too faced the suspension of its⁣ food and drink service license. These findings underscore the critical need for adequate‍ facilities in hospitality environments to ensure health and safety compliance.

Community Impact and Importance of Compliance

These enforcement actions reflect a broader initiative by law enforcement to enhance safety in public spaces,⁣ ensuring that businesses prioritize the health and wellbeing of their customers. The inspections serve as​ a reminder to business owners in the Tyrrhenian province of the necessity to adhere to safety and health regulations.


The recent police crackdown in the Tyrrhenian⁣ province serves an essential role in safeguarding the hospitality sector‌ and maintaining public trust. As summer attracts‍ more visitors to the coast, both establishments and guests must remain vigilant about safety standards. ‌Business operators are ‍urged to review their compliance with regulations to avoid penalties and contribute to a safe and enjoyable experience for all. By fostering ‌a culture of ⁢responsibility and adherence to ​legal requirements, the Tyrrhenian province can ensure that its vibrant‌ summer offerings remain safe and welcoming for everyone.

Keywords: Tyrrhenian Province, police inspections, beach resorts, seasonal kiosks, public safety, health‍ regulations, administrative sanctions, ‍compliance, summer season⁤ safety, noise violations, hygiene⁣ requirements.



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