Performing daily routines carries the risk of muscle strain, abdominal pain, or muscle strain. These are problems that can occur at any time in a person’s life.
These seemingly small ailments are no less painful and can make a person’s life difficult.
Generally, people do not go to doctors for this kind of problems and they try to get relief from home remedies.
Lemon juice can be unhealthy for some people
Fomentation is a great way to relieve everything from stomach aches to nerve pain, let’s find out what it is and how to do it.
Tosekai is performed when the body feels pain, Sekai warms the body tissues and improves blood circulation in the body. It relieves the swelling and relaxes the muscles. A hot water bottle, heating pad, or bottle can be used for irrigation.
When the body becomes stiff and tense or the nerves feel tense, fomentation can relieve these pains.
There are two types of fomentation. One wet the other dry. Wet fermentation refers to fermentation done with a liquid, such as an ice pack. Another method is to wrap a few ice cubes in a towel and then infuse with it.
Whereas dry fermentation is done without water with the help of gel. This type of fermentation is done with socks, rice, rubber bottle or hot cloth. For dry sowing, rice should be filled in a sock and its mouth should be closed. It should be heated in the oven for a few times, then fomentation should be done on the affected area with this sock. Also, fomentation can be done after squeezing a towel dipped in hot water.
Remember not to water for more than five minutes.
Discard the once-used water and squeeze the water out of the bag.
In case of swelling in the feet, do not cook immediately. Cold irrigation should be done for the first two or three days, not too hot water for this.
#Stressed #Muscles #Fomentation #Instant #Relief #Life #Style
2024-08-20 13:06:29