Stress would affect two out of three people in France

In the space of two years, the French have seen their level of stress increase and this is not without consequences for health.

Every year, stress affects more and more people of all ages. But it is sometimes difficult to quantify its impact on our society. Indeed, this state can prevail both at work and in private life. In addition, many people do not dare to say that they suffer from it on a daily basis.

As part of an anonymous survey for Boiron laboratories, the Ipsos institute questioned 1501 French people. The panel was made up of adults aged 18 to 75 and was asked regarding their relationship to stress. However, the figures from this survey indicate that 65% of people questioned (i.e. 2 out of 3 French people) are stressed.

What causes this mental state?

To better understand the origins of this evil, several questions focused on the possible origins of stress among respondents. The reasons invoked are multiple and may relate to areas such as money, purchasing power, work or studies. Nevertheless, a striking observation emerges: it would be the news that would be the most anxiety-provoking factor.

Indeed, 49% of respondents aged over 49 believe that information is the main source of their state. However, this segment of the population would not be the most affected. The survey reports that the most stressed would be young people aged 25 to 34. According to reported figures, more than 79% of adults in this age group are affected. But the most worrying thing is that children are also affected.

Parents who participated in this survey indicated that their children were also affected. Moreover, respondents admitted that the evil had increased over the past two years. This corresponds in particular to the arrival of multiple confinements in France and the upheavals linked to them.

Do not overlook the negative effects of stress on our body or our mind

Nevertheless, the French are aware that this state is bad for their health. 91% agree that stress is bad. However, they do not always detect the signals sent by the body. In effect, stress can manifest itself in different ways : pimples on the arm, difficulty concentrating, degradation of our hair… And if they accumulate, they can lead to burnout or more serious health problems.

In case of doubt or changes, it is important to talk regarding it with your relatives or a health professional. These can help you reduce the accumulated pain or treat it through different exercises or dedicated treatments.

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