“The public doesn’t know the law, and I, likewise, am no expert at all. So when you hear the word indictment for manslaughter, you can get the impression that it reduces the thing and the responsibility of the person“, he acknowledges.
However, the comedian calls to remain calm and to wait for the investigation to follow its course. “As long as we don’t have all the elements, the investigation is not over and a firm judgment has not been filed, I think we have to remain calm out of respect for the families, bereaved, deceased or injured.“
Let’s try to keep this calm as much as possible so that we can be serene and move forward.
“Let’s try to keep this calm as much as possible so that we can be serene and move forward. And followingwards, if things don’t go the way we would have liked, we can speak up and take collective action that will have strength and that can, hopefully, change things so that it doesn’t happens more in the future.“