Strengthening the Performing Arts Ecosystem, Ministry of Education and Culture-Research and Technology Supports the 2024 Indonesian Musical Festival

Illustration.(MI/Lina Herlina)

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud-Ristek), through the Directorate of Film, Music, and Media, Directorate General of Culture appreciates and supports the implementation of the 2024 Indonesian Musical Festival which is scheduled to take place on 18-20 October at Ciputra Artpreneur, Jakarta.

This support is a manifestation of the government’s commitment and consistency in building a performing arts ecosystem in Indonesia. The growth and development of the performing arts ecosystem is part of the cultural advancement side.

Director of Film, Music, and Media, Ahmad Mahendra, said that government support for performing arts, including musical performances, can spur the birth of a creative young generation with a cultural soul.

Mahendra added that in building and maintaining the national performing arts ecosystem, mutual cooperation and collaboration with activists and communities in Indonesia are needed.

“For that reason, the Directorate of Film, Music, and Media welcomes the implementation of the Indonesian Musical Festival in 2024. Because this festival not only prioritizes the stage, but also the audience, new artists, and stakeholders involved in it. Not only that, we also hope that this festival can be a response to young people’s interest in musical arts, which will directly stimulate the music industry in Indonesia by exploring the richness of the archipelago’s culture,” said Mahendra, Thursday (22/8).

Meanwhile, Josh Marcy as one of the Curators of the 2024 Indonesian Musical Festival explained that this year’s event has seen an increase in the number of musical groups registering. “A total of 76 musical groups from all over Indonesia are known to have registered,” said Josh.

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Then Josh also explained about the stage design that will provide two stages as a response to the current musical development with a variety of creative form explorations. The two stages are the work stage and the gala stage.

“The two stages will be a program of selected performances that offer a variety of performances at the 2024 Indonesian Musical Festival. The public will be shown the potential for the growth of today’s domestic musical performances,” said Josh.

Josh said, in this event, the idea of ​​renewal is one of the priority considerations in the selection, in addition to the completeness of the stage needs proposal which may offer adaptations from tradition or abroad.

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The idea of ​​renewal, said Josh, is important so that the 2024 Indonesian Musical Festival does not just become a one-off performance by a musical group and then disappear from circulation because it does not have the governance to develop.

Meanwhile, one of the judges involved from Teater Koma, Ratna Riantiarno, revealed that this year’s Indonesian Musical Festival was dominated by young people. This shows that many young generations are passionate about musical arts so that its development can be massive in society.

“There are so many participants and they are all young people. It would be great if it could continue to exist, so that the musical arts stage space can continue to develop,” said Ratna.

The 2024 Indonesian Musical Festival is the third time the event has been held and this year there are nine curated musical groups involved. The 2024 Indonesian Musical Festival consists of five curators to select groups and arrange a series of events consisting of musical performing artists, namely Nala Amrytha, Nuya Susantono, Josh Marcy, Bhatara Saverigadi, and Chriskevin Adefrid. (Des)

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