Strengthening Neck Muscles and Preventing Bent Shoulders: Essential Exercises and Tips

2023-06-24 22:11:09

It is important to strengthen the neck muscles and prevent bent shoulders

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There are a total of 7 bones that make up the neck, located at the top of the spine and at the back of the neck. Skinny people with low muscle mass in the body are prone to cervical discs due to lack of fat tissue and muscle to support the neck. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Contrary to the adage that you have to eat to be healthy, there are diseases that thin people should pay special attention to. Even if you are skinny, if you have a low muscle mass, the pressure on your neck is high, making it easy to get a cervical disc. In cervical disc, the intervertebral disc (disc) of the cervical vertebra deviates from its original position, stimulating the surrounding nerves and causing pain. The causes of cervical discs include using electronic devices for a long time in the wrong posture or lifestyle habits such as frequently lowering the head.

To prevent neck disc, it is important to increase muscle mass. In general, when you gain weight, the amount of fat tissue and muscle around your neck increases, and your neck circumference thickens. A thick neck circumference distributes the pressure the neck has to bear. People who are skinny may lack the fat and muscle that support the neck. Because of this, the thickness of the neck muscles is often thin, making it difficult to support the weight of the head, which is the heaviest part of the body, and to alleviate external shock.

“Neck muscles support and provide stability to the neck,” said Lim Jae-hyeon, director of Gangnam Nanuri Hospital Spine Center. he emphasized.

To increase the neck muscles, isometric exercise and bent shoulder prevention exercise are effective. [자료=나누리병원]Isometric exercises are safe and effective for stretching the neck muscles. Isometric exercise strengthens the muscles of the neck with endurance rather than moving the cervical vertebrae. This includes putting a ball on a wall and pushing it with your head, or putting your hand on the side, front, or back of your head and pushing your hand through your neck to hold on.

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In addition to neck exercises, it is good to combine exercises to prevent bent shoulders. A prevention method that can be easily followed at home is an exercise that gathers the wing bones (scapula) and spreads the chest. A bent shoulder causes a turtle neck in which the neck falls forward. This puts strain on the muscles and discs connected to the neck, which can lead to neck discs or chronic muscle pain.

Director Lim said, “If symptoms of numbness in the hands and feet continue to appear along with neck or shoulder pain, it could be a herniated disc in the neck.

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