Strengthening inspections upon entry into Chongqing and further refining and implementing prevention and control measures_Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Network

On August 10, the Municipal Government Information Office held the 112th press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. Li Pan, deputy director of the Municipal Health Commission, reported that from 0 to 18:00 on August 10, 2 new local confirmed cases (mild) were reported in Chongqing, of which 1 was reported in Bishan District and was a returnee from key areas outside the city; 1 case Reported for Jiulongpo District and found in regional nucleic acid testing. The traceability, traceability and management and control of relevant flow regulation are being carried out in an orderly manner. Since August, a total of 37 cases of local infections have been reported in our city, all of whom have undergone centralized isolation treatment and isolation medical observation at the Municipal Public Health Medical Treatment Center, and the situation is stable.

At the press conference, the Municipal Government Information Office reminded the public that 96007 is the investigation call for the Chongqing epidemic prevention and control community. Citizens are requested to answer it in time, truthfully report the recent travel history and contact history to the staff, and cooperate with the staff to implement the prevention and control measures.

The Fengdu-Yubei epidemic is highly homologous to the virus series in other provinces

Li Pan said that the municipal party committee and the municipal government attach great importance to the prevention and control of the epidemic, and demand that they unswervingly adhere to the general strategy of “foreign import, internal rebound” and the general policy of “dynamic clearing”, consolidate the “four responsibilities”, and implement the “four responsibilities”. “Early” requirements, in accordance with the principles of “fast production and fast production” and “first management and then screening”, the epidemic response should be promptly handled.

As of the 10th, there were 32 infected people in the “8.03” Hechuan epidemic. The existing infected people are all in the transmission chain where the first case is located, and the infected strains are all Omicron variant strains (BA.5.1. ); “8.09” Fengdu-Yubei epidemic, a total of 2 cases of infection were reported on the 9th, two people who returned to Chongqing from outside the city. Epidemiological investigation showed that the two people traveled outside the city together. On August 7th Returning to Chongqing, the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention has completed the genetic sequencing of the two infected patients. The comparison shows that they are highly homologous to the epidemic virus series in other provinces and belong to the Omicron variant (BA.2.76 evolutionary branch).

Li Pan said that the current national epidemic situation is still severe and complicated. In the next step, our city will focus on “prevention” and “management”, continue to improve the epidemic prevention and control mechanism of timely detection, rapid disposal, precise control and effective treatment, and further refine the implementation of various prevention and control measures. Strengthen monitoring and early warning, dynamically adjust the frequency and scope of normalized nucleic acid testing, strengthen immediate inspections upon entry into Chongqing, and “two inspections in three days” when returning to Chongqing from key areas to strictly prevent the risk of imported epidemics from overseas and outside the city.

More than 400,000 people in three sub-districts in Yubei carry out expanded nucleic acid testing

Ma Chengquan, deputy head of Yubei District, informed that on August 9, there was one new confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia (light) in Yubei District, which was a returnee from outside the city. After the outbreak of the epidemic, Yubei District immediately launched an emergency plan, and made every effort to trace the source of the epidemic, risk management and control, and nucleic acid testing.

Up to now, a total of 25 close contacts and 39 sub-close contacts in the district have been investigated and controlled, and all of them have been quarantined and controlled at the first time. At present, the nucleic acid test results are all negative, and the close contacts and sub-close contacts outside the district have all notified the relevant districts and counties. A total of 2,096 risk personnel have been investigated, of which 2,026 have been assigned emergency yellow codes and 70 have been assigned emergency red codes.

Under the guidance of municipal experts, Yubei District designated a temporary control area, and carried out the first round of nucleic acid tests for all employees in the control area, and the results were all negative. At the same time, relevant departments, streets and communities organized special service teams to do their best to manage and control regional material security, life services, and humanistic care.

Ma Chengquan said that in order to further screen the social epidemic risk and effectively find and control the source of infection, the extended nucleic acid test was carried out on more than 400,000 people in the three streets of Longshan, Longxi and Longta in the early morning of the 10th. As of 11 a.m. on the 10th At that time, 163,000 people had been sampled, all of which were completed on the evening of the 10th, and the results were available on the morning of the 11th.

There are three reasons for the recent emergence of more asymptomatic infections

At the press conference, Luo Fei, chief physician of the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced the differences between several recent outbreaks of new coronary pneumonia in our city:

All of them were caused by imported cases outside the city, but the import places were different. Epidemiological investigation and genetic tracing confirmed that the recent epidemics in our city were all local epidemics caused by infected cases outside the city following returning to Chongqing, but the infection places of the first cases were different.

All are caused by Omicron mutants, but the evolutionary branches are different. Since August, although the virus strains that caused the epidemic in our city all belonged to the Omicron variant, different epidemics were caused by evolutionary branches such as BA.5.1.3 and BA.2.76. This also confirms that the epidemics are imported from different places.

How and when to discover is different. In several recent outbreaks, some infected persons were found in the screening of people returning to Chongqing from outside the city in key places, some were found following they went to the hospital for nucleic acid testing following the health code was assigned a yellow code, and some returned to Chongqing who strictly followed Health management measures for returning to Chongqing, found during health monitoring.

Luo Fei said that there have been more asymptomatic infections recently, mainly due to three reasons: First, the upper respiratory tract infection in Omicron is mainly, the lower respiratory tract infection is relatively rare, and the incidence of pneumonia is relatively low. Second, the current vaccination coverage rate has increased, and the proportion of severely ill people who have been vaccinated is significantly lower. Third, nucleic acid testing is timely, and the city’s epidemic prevention and control strategies and classified control measures have been put in place. Most of the infected people in the risk group screening and active nucleic acid testing groups are found during the incubation period, so the proportion of asymptomatic infections is relatively high.

The results of the first round of nucleic acid tests in the Fengdu temporary control area were all negative

Wang Xiaojun, deputy magistrate of Fengdu County, reported that at 14:00 on August 9, Fengdu County confirmed 1 case of asymptomatic infection, which was found in the screening of people who returned to Chongqing following traveling outside the city. At present, prevention and control work such as flow tracing, community investigation, nucleic acid testing, and classified management and control are being carried out in an orderly manner.

Wang Xiaojun introduced that as of 10:00 on August 10, 83 people in close contact and 103 people in close contact have been investigated, all of which have been quarantined and controlled, and the results of the first nucleic acid test were all negative. According to the opinions of experts, the whole area of ​​Xueyu Road Community of Sanhe Street and the whole area of ​​Nantianhu Middle Road Community of Sanhe Street are designated as temporary control areas, involving a total of 21,795 people from 7,502 households, and implementing “people do not leave the area and take things at wrong peaks”” 3 days 2 inspections” and other control measures to prevent risk spillover.

From 20:00 on August 9 to 9:00 on August 10, Fengdu set up 9 sampling points and 35 sampling stations in the temporary control area. The first round of nucleic acid sampling has been completed, and all were negative; 53 environmental samples were collected, all of which were negative.



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