Strengthening Cooperation with AIPA Parliament, BKSAP Encourages Transformation in Handling Transnational Crime

BKSAP DPR RI attended the 7th Session of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly Advisory Council on Dangerous Drugs (AIPACODD) in Luang Prabang, Laos. (DPR)

AS a reflection of the increasingly intensive regional relations with the potential for strategic cooperation in various fields, including handling cross-border crime and drug trafficking in Southeast Asia, the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP), Indonesian House of Representatives attended the 7th Session of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly Advisory Council on Dangerous Drugs (AIPACODD) on 7-8 August 2024 in Luang Prabang, Laos.

The delegation consisting of Deputy Chairperson of BKSAP, Putu Supadma Rudana (F-PD), Gilang Dhiela Fararez (F-PDIP) and Sukamta (F-PKS), as well as BKSAP Member I Komang Koheri (F-PDIP), actively voiced Indonesia’s commitment in realizing the vision of a drug-free ASEAN community under the AIPA mechanism, at the meeting carrying the theme “Strengthening the Role of Parliaments in Addressing the Drug Matters for a Drug Free ASEAN Realization”. It is known that the AIPACODD forum is a regular meeting between ASEAN parliaments in order to encourage cooperation in the field of drug control.

Head of Delegation, Putu S Rudana, in his report conveyed Indonesia’s various achievements in eradicating narcotics, despite facing complex geographical challenges and drug trafficking routes in Southeast Asia.

“Indonesia remains strongly committed to addressing the drug problem, both from the supply side through strengthening regulations, and demand through rehabilitation, while continuing to strengthen regional cooperation to increase the effectiveness of these efforts,” Putu said.

In addition, Deputy Chairman of BKSAP Sukamta also conveyed Indonesia’s holistic approach in dealing with drug issues. “Effective handling must cover every link in the crime chain, including financial infrastructure, money laundering, and other criminal acts related to drug trafficking in the region,” said Sukamta.

One of the important discussions in this meeting was the plan to transform AIPACODD into AIPA-ACT (Advisory Council on Transnational Crime), which is targeted to be achieved in 2026 at the 8th AIPACODD Session in Malaysia.

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Putu S Rudana expressed Indonesia’s support for the changes, which are considered important to broaden the focus on various transnational crimes in the region; not only drug trafficking, but also human trafficking, cybercrime, terrorism, money laundering, and environmental crimes.

“This is a historic step, especially now, when a regional framework is urgently needed to address cross-border crime,” said Putu.

The Indonesian delegation also managed to include several important points regarding the ASEAN parliament’s commitment to responding to various methods of drug trafficking crimes through new technology.

In addition, the Indonesian delegation also emphasized the importance of partnerships in sharing intelligence information, as well as optimizing social media campaigns and other soft-power approaches for community education and empowerment, especially the younger generation, regarding the dangers of drugs.

The forum produced a Resolution and Report to be adopted by the 45th AIPA General Assembly in October 2024 in Vientiane, Laos. The Indonesian delegation hopes that the transformation of AIPACODD into AIPA-ACT will provide a stronger and more comprehensive framework in dealing with transnational crime in the region. (RO/Z-3)

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