Strengthening Collaboration for Vaccination Coverage: Local Elected Officials’ Role in Kolda

2023-08-09 19:59:58

The local elected officials of the department of Kolda are now equipped enough to strengthen their collaboration with the health district and the head nurses to together contribute to improving vaccination coverage once morest covid 19 and the diseases targeted by the EPI.

An advocacy and awareness workshop has just been organized, this Wednesday, August 9, in the capital of Fouladou for these territorial elected officials. This activity, which made it possible to discuss areas of collaboration and support for the health sector, is part of the implementation of the project: “Community engagement and risk communication for the revival of vaccination once morest covid 19 and the strengthening of routine EPI in Senegal” (3 C19). A project financed with more than 200 million CFA francs by a consortium made up of UNICEF and World Vision for a period of one year.

As part of its implementation, “this project intends to rely on the strengthening of collaboration with local elected officials so that they can carry out advocacy in their respective areas of responsibility but also communication towards the populations for a massive adherence to vaccination,” said Dr. Thierno Chérif Sy Doctor at the Kolda health district who is also coordinator of the fight once morest HIV infection and certain communicable diseases including hepatitis B at the level of the said district.

According to this medical authority, “routine vaccination is well known”. However, “there are always pockets of resistance which mean that we have some epidemics sometimes of measles among others which occur”. Worse, “compared to covid 19 some are still at 0 dose despite the many sensitizations”, regretted Dr SY. This is why he welcomes this initiative by UNICEF and World Vision which, he says, will help to reverse the trend.

Same story from the sides of the local elected representatives benefiting from this workshop. For the mayor of Thietty Alassane Baldé who spoke on their behalf, “elected officials must imperatively collaborate with service providers and health authorities to improve the health of their constituents”. “It is with a healthy population that we can meet the challenges of territorial development,” he insisted.

Following in his footsteps, Jules Sara Adama Mané, head of the World Vision regional office in Kolda, announces that his project is moving towards the development of a communication plan in the coming days to promote this relaunch of the pev and covid 19 vaccination plans. Which, according to him, will contribute to raising the vaccination rate in the health district of Kolda and to the elimination of covid 19. A pandemic which has somewhat destructured the economic, social and environmental scheme of our cities and countryside , he lamented with regret.

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