Streamers Unite to Break the 10 Million Euro Donation Milestone at ZEvent

Zevent was held from September 6th to 8th. Credit: ZEvent Twitter screenshot.

After a year of absence to “take stock”, the ZEvent, a sort of new generation Telethonwas back from September 6 to 8 for an eighth edition. This charity marathon brings together streamers for a weekend, some from the Zénith in Montpellier and others remotely. Live on the Twitch social network, they try to collect as many donations as possible from spectators. These will be donated to associations.

Which five associations were selected?

This year, 10,145,881 euros were raised in 48 hours. A result very close to the 2022 record when streamers raised 10,182,126 euros. Since its first edition in 2016, the event has raised 31 million euros.

As in 2022, the organizers have selected several associations acting in a specific field, unlike previous editions when only one association was funded. This year, the five selected are fighting against precariousness:

Léon Marchand and Léna Situations among the donors

The event attracted more than 110,000 spectators who watched live broadcasts from around thirty personalities. Among the notable donations, we should mention that of influencer Léna Situations. She donated 20,000 euros to the associations. The four-time Olympic swimming champion, Léon Marchand, donated 4,500 euros.

Ahead of the event, there had been criticism of the presence of streamers who had made controversial remarks and the organizers’ refusal to conduct background checks.

The editorial staff

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title: **ZEvent 2024: The⁤ Charity Marathon that Raises Funds and ​Awareness**:

ZEvent 2024: The ​Charity Marathon that Raises Funds and Awareness

After ‌a year of⁤ absence, the ZEvent, a modern-day equivalent of the Telethon, returned from ‌September 6 to 8 for its eighth edition. This charity marathon brings together streamers from around the world, both in-person at the Zénith in Montpellier and remotely, to collect as many donations as possible from spectators. The event⁤ is ⁣live-streamed on the Twitch social network, and all donations‍ are donated ⁤to selected ​associations.

ZEvent 2024 Viewership and Prize Pool

According to recent statistics, ZEvent 2024 saw an impressive⁢ peak of 580,634 viewers,‌ with 14,220,278 hours‌ watched⁣ [[1]]. These viewers‌ contributed to a staggering prize pool, with the exact amount yet to be disclosed.

What is ZEvent?

ZEvent is a charity project created by Adrien Nougaret and Alexandre Dachary to raise⁣ funds through streaming over three days [[3]]. The event‍ has been growing in popularity since its first edition in ⁢2016, with a total of 31 million​ euros raised to date.

ZEvent 2024:⁤ A New Generation ​of Charity

Unlike traditional‍ charity events, ZEvent ‌brings together a new generation​ of streamers and viewers to make a difference. The event’s⁢ unique format, which‍ combines entertainment and fundraising, has proven to be a huge‌ success. In 2024, the event saw an impressive 10,145,881 euros raised in just 48 hours, closely matching the 2022 record ‌of 10,182,126 euros.

Selected Associations

This year, the organizers have selected five associations that focus on combating precariousness. These associations will receive the funds raised during the event, which will be used to support their ‌causes.

ZRacing: A Spin-Off Game

In addition to ⁣the charity marathon, a‍ downloadable game called ZRacing was created by the DMM0USE Team [[2]]. ⁣The game is available for Windows, macOS, ‍Linux, and Android and ‌is a fun way to ‌engage with the ZEvent brand.


ZEvent ‌2024 was a resounding success, ‍bringing‍ together streamers, viewers, and associations to raise funds and awareness for important causes. With its unique format and growing popularity, ZEvent is ⁢set to become a staple in the charity event calendar. Stay ‌tuned for more updates on ‌this innovative charity marathon.

ZEvent 2024 participants

ZEvent 2024: The Charity Marathon that Raises Funds and Awareness

After a year of absence, the ZEvent, a modern-day equivalent of the Telethon, returned from September 6 to 8 for its eighth edition. This charity marathon brings together streamers from around the world, both in-person at the Zénith in Montpellier and remotely, to collect as many donations as possible from spectators. The event is live-streamed on the Twitch



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