Strategic private investment in industry

“We are next to the citizens and we are working to bring investments, jobs and a better income to everyone,” said Development Minister Takis Theodorikakos, speaking to Action 24. In this context, he announced that within the next two months the Ministry of Development will approve and finance with 170 million euros strategic and emblematic private investments in the industry sector, with the main characteristics being green development and job creation.

Mr. Theodorikakos pointed out that the minimum wage has increased since 2019 by 27%, unemployment is now down to 9.5% and food inflation has been negative for four consecutive months, below the European Union average. “We are following the strictest and most demanding legislation in the EU to block the profit ceiling with a milestone in December 2021” he added and noted that “26 large companies and approximately 2,500 thousand product codes are under control”. The Minister of Development underlined that although the phenomenon of catastrophism is common in our country, there is no justification for increases due to the issue of the plague, or on the occasion of the fire in Penteli.

In any case, the effort to reduce prices is continuous. “We are looking for ways to connect the consumer directly with the producer. We will discuss it with the producers and the local government. We want people to have more options,” said Mr. Theodorikakos. When asked about the school basket, he noted that many chains have made reductions compared to last year, from 10% to 20% on the relevant products.

#Strategic #private #investment #industry



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