Strategic Arab Economic Moves to Bolster Palestinian Support

The resolution includes a special clause to support the Palestinian economy and the Palestinian Authority in light of the war that the Palestinian people are facing in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

The resolution stressed the implementation of the emergency response plan prepared by the State of Palestine to address the repercussions of the Israeli aggression on the State of Palestine, and the crime of genocide committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip, and called on countries, organizations, development agencies, and relevant national and international funds to contribute to financing and implementing this plan, in coordination with the State of Palestine.

The Economic and Social Council of the Arab League called on Arab countries to provide urgent support to families affected by the Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, by providing emergency aid, in coordination with the General Secretariat, Social Affairs Sector, and through concluding bilateral agreements with the Ministry of Social Development.

He asked the General Secretariat of the Arab League to coordinate with Arab countries, international and national organizations and institutions, and in coordination with the Palestinian Ministry of Social Development, to provide relief to tens of thousands of Palestinian orphaned children, and called for paying special attention to the installation of prosthetic limbs and other needs of amputee children as soon as possible.

The Council called on Arab countries to provide relief to Palestinian workers who are being persecuted by the Israeli occupation army, prevented from working and whose rights have been confiscated since the beginning of the aggression on the Gaza Strip, by establishing bilateral mechanisms and arrangements with the Palestinian Ministry of Labor, in coordination with the General Secretariat of the Social Affairs Sector.

He called for assistance in supporting Palestinian students by increasing the number of scholarships provided by Arab countries and their higher education institutions by five thousand scholarships annually and directing the largest part of university scholarships to students in the Gaza Strip, especially after most of them lost their source of funding from their families in the Strip, including tuition fees and living expenses, and working to accommodate students in the Gaza Strip who were able to leave the Strip, until the end of the aggression and their return to their universities.

The Council requested that Arab countries support Palestinian exports, through bilateral agreements with the Palestinian Ministry of National Economy and the Palestinian Ministry of Industry to establish programs and facilities that support directing Palestinian exports to Arab markets, especially in the matter of conformity with specifications and standards, and for Arab member states to provide facilities for Palestinian participation in exhibitions, especially by allocating free space for Palestinian companies to participate in Arab exhibitions.

He called on Arab countries to give preferential prices for raw materials and finished goods to Palestinian importers, through incentive measures in which Arab countries encourage their private sectors, in addition to encouraging them to invest in the State of Palestine and benefit from the incentives of the Palestinian Investment Law.

He requested the Arab member states to cooperate with the Palestinian Ministry of National Economy, through bilateral arrangements and agreements, to support small and damaged establishments in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank as a result of the Israeli aggression since October 7, based on identifying needs, whether in terms of equipment or support for workers’ wages and others, in order to revive these small establishments within the Palestinian labor market, noting that small and medium enterprises constitute about 98% of the Palestinian economy.

The Economic and Social Council of the Arab League called on the specialized ministerial councils, Arab organizations and institutions, each in its field of expertise, to develop mechanisms to implement the decisions issued with the aim of supporting the Palestinian economy.

Source: RT

#Expected #Arab #economic #decision #support #Palestine
2024-09-05 18:18:09

Supporting the Palestinian Economy: A Resolution Against Aggression in Gaza and the West Bank


In response to ⁤the ongoing conflict and humanitarian‌ crisis in Palestine, particularly⁢ in⁢ the Gaza Strip and ⁣the West Bank,‌ a ⁣resolution has⁤ been proposed to bolster the Palestinian ‍economy and​ support the Palestinian Authority (PA). This resolution ‌is vital‍ in light of the war ⁢and widespread adversity faced by the Palestinian people. It outlines a comprehensive emergency response‍ plan aimed at mitigating the ‌repercussions of ​Israeli aggression​ and genocide, ‌emphasizing⁣ the need ‍for international and regional support.

Key Aspects of the Resolution

1. ‍ Emergency ​Response Plan Implementation

The ‌resolution underscores the⁣ importance of implementing the emergency response plan developed by the State of Palestine. This plan addresses the immediate and long-term​ repercussions of the ongoing conflict, specifically the violence inflicted upon Gaza. The resolution calls upon countries, organizations, and ​development agencies ⁣to contribute to financing and executing this ⁢plan in coordination with the Palestinian Authority. ​

2.⁤ Urgent Support for Affected ⁤Families

The ‍Economic and Social Council of the Arab League has ​urged Arab⁢ nations to provide immediate assistance to families adversely affected by the ⁢hostilities in both the​ Gaza​ Strip and the West Bank. This support includes emergency aid, which is⁤ crucial for ⁣alleviating the suffering of the victims of Israeli ⁢aggression. ⁤Coordination with ⁣the General Secretariat’s Social Affairs Sector, alongside bilateral ⁣agreements with the Palestinian Ministry of ⁤Social Development, is essential ⁣for effective aid ​distribution.

3. Relief for Orphaned ⁤Children and Amputees

One‌ key component of‌ the resolution is the emphasis ‍on the plight of⁣ orphaned children in ‌Palestine. The Council has⁤ called for a coordinated relief effort to assist these vulnerable⁢ children and address their immediate needs. ⁢Special attention is also directed towards providing⁣ prosthetic ‍limbs and other necessary medical support for children who ‌have suffered⁣ amputations‌ due⁢ to the conflict. Timely ​intervention is ‌critical ⁤to restore dignity and basic needs for these children.

4. Support for Palestinian Workers

The resolution also advocates for relief⁤ measures for Palestinian workers facing ‌persecution under the⁤ Israeli occupation. These‌ workers have ‌been systematically denied the right to work since the onset of⁣ aggression ⁣in the Gaza ⁢Strip. Establishing bilateral mechanisms with the Palestinian​ Ministry of​ Labor ⁢will⁤ help ensure ⁤that these workers receive‌ the necessary support and are able to reclaim their rights.

5. Educational Scholarships and Support​ for Students

The impact of the conflict⁣ extends to education, with many students in⁣ Gaza losing financial ​support from their families. ‍The resolution‍ calls for an increase in‍ the number‌ of scholarships ‌provided by Arab countries ‍and their institutions, ⁢targeting at least ⁣five thousand additional scholarships ⁤annually ​for Palestinian students, particularly those in the Gaza Strip. The initiative includes ​accommodating students who manage​ to leave⁣ Gaza temporarily, ensuring they can ‍maintain their education.

6. Enhancing Palestinian Exports

To stimulate the Palestinian economy, the resolution encourages Arab countries to​ assist in enhancing⁤ Palestinian exports. This includes establishing bilateral agreements that align ⁣with the Palestinian ‌Ministry of National Economy and the Ministry of Industry.‍ These agreements should promote Palestinian participation ⁤in Arab markets, ⁢provide necessary facilities ​for‍ compliance with ‍exporting standards,​ and allocate free ⁢exhibition space for Palestinian businesses.

7. Marketing ​and⁤ Investment Incentives

The resolution advocates for preferential ‍pricing⁢ on ⁣raw materials and finished goods for Palestinian importers and encourages Arab‍ nations​ to​ promote private sector investments in ⁤Palestine. Implementing incentive measures⁢ will not only aid Palestinian ⁤businesses ‌but also foster economic growth and resilience in the⁢ Palestinian territories,⁤ particularly ⁤in light of the challenges posed by the ongoing conflict.

8. Support for Small and⁤ Damaged Establishments

the resolution⁢ emphasizes the need for cooperation between Arab‍ member states and the‌ Palestinian⁣ Ministry of National Economy to support small and damaged establishments⁢ across Gaza and the West Bank. Given the extensive damage these ‌businesses have suffered⁣ due to ongoing hostilities,⁤ dedicated efforts to restore and enhance their operational capabilities are crucial.


The resolution ‍to ‌support the‌ Palestinian ⁢economy in the wake of aggression⁤ against⁣ the Palestinian‌ people is a vital step‍ towards alleviating suffering and​ rebuilding communities. As‌ international⁢ and ⁤Arab nations coordinate their responses, ⁢it is essential⁢ to ensure ⁤that ⁤aid reaches those who need it most. By ⁣collectively supporting initiatives for emergency ⁤relief, education, economic stabilization, and infrastructure rebuilding, the global community⁣ can play a pivotal role in restoring‍ hope and dignity for the ⁣Palestinian people. It is ​imperative that we uphold our ⁢commitments to peace, prosperity, and justice in the region.



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