Strange ‘spikes’ found on Mars

The Curiosity rover NASAwho is taking walks on Mars looking for discoveries that surprise earthlings, has identified some strange formations on the surface of the planet. The images she has sent to Earth show twisted, elongated, pointed rock pillars.

“Here’s another cool rock in Gale Crater on Mars! The peaks are most likely the cemented fillings of ancient fractures in a sedimentary rock. The rest of the rock was made of a softer material and was eroded”, explained the SETI Institute on Twitter, an organization that investigates the origin and nature of life in the universe.

The rover captured the images on May 15 through the camera installed on its mast. According to the NASA blog that collects the adventures of Curiositythe rock was found on Mount Sharp (Aeolis Mons).

As indicated by the website CNETit is difficult to know the actual size of these rocks or other features of the landscape, but if we look at the formations, They seem to be very delicate. The same website reminds that these formations are very similar to which Curiosity itself found earlier this year.

Curiosity climbs a slope with a “paved” path

The latest rover update on May 31 places Curiosity climbing a slope. “Even though this slope is approaching the limit of what Curiosity can traverse, we don’t think we’ll have any trouble dismounting the arm or driving the rest of the way to the top because of the terrain we’re in.” Curiosity blog indicates. The scientists themselves believe that the slope that the rover is now traversing “It’s almost the Martian equivalent of a paved road.”

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<figure id="sumario_2|foto" onclick="javascript:ampliaFoto(this, '/diarioas/imagenes/2022/06/04/actualidad/1654370985_824050_1654371300_sumario_grande.jpg', '976', '976', 'Steep slope Curiosity passed on May 31 (NASA)’);return false;” class=”item-multimedia”>

Steep slope Curiosity passed on May 31 (NASA)

All you have to do is read the NASA rover blog to follow the intrepid adventures of the Earthling robot on Mars. The Mars Science Laboratory mission team itself updates the status of Curiosity, its findings and the places it is passing through on the red planet.

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