Stranded Stork with Coca-Cola Can in Beak: Urgent Rescue Call & Coca-Cola’s Responsiblity

2023-06-19 18:55:00

The picture speaks for itself. On June 12, a French farmer published a video in which we see storks on his field in Charmoille (Burgundy-Franche-Comté region). Only, one of them has her beak stuck… in a can of Coca-Cola. “I can’t even catch her, there’s nothing we can do. She can no longer eat, no longer drink”, he explains in his video.

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”I couldn’t believe it. I saw this stork with a can of Coca-Cola stuck in its beak. She tried to collect insects with her congeners. In my opinion, she entered her beak through the hole that allows her to drink and can no longer take it out”, confided the farmer in this regard to the French newspaper Est Républicain.

Since then, a whole population has been worried about the bird. The latter was seen again on June 16, still a prisoner of the metal can, according to Est Républicain.

Call for help and Coca-Cola arrested

The animal in distress has been reported to the French Office for Biodiversity, which believes that its days “are numbered” if they cannot free its beak from the can. The organization wants the animal to be captured as soon as possible in order to be delivered from the object.

For its part, Coca-Cola has been challenged on social networks by several media figures in the defense of animals and the environment, including Matthieu Orphelin, the director general of the French League for the Protection of Birds. “Say ‘Coca-Cola France’, I’ve been trying to reach you for 24 hours without success. Have you implemented means (drones or other) to find this stork and rescue it? Our ornithos can be mobilized but it is up to you to take up this subject urgently.”

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This Monday, the animal had been stuck for more than a week. He still hasn’t been caught and hasn’t been seen since last Friday.

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