Stormy Daniels on Trump’s victory: “I’m ashamed of what’s happening in my country”

Stormy Daniels on Trump’s victory: “I’m ashamed of what’s happening in my country”

“I am shocked and ashamed of what is happening in my country. I don’t know what happens in other countries, but how can someone who was convicted, or even accused of so many crimes be a candidate in the first place”, she asked herself. However, the journalist replied that such a thing is not provided for by American law.

Meanwhile, Stormy Daniels called Donald Trump a “poor little kid” despite his victory. In fact, she expressed her concern that the tycoon might try to “take revenge” on her. In addition, the artist claimed that she believed that Americans would “revolt” and not vote for such a man.

Finally, Stormy Daniels stated that Kamala Harris lost the election because of the racist stereotypes prevailing in the USA. It is recalled that last May, the former star of erotic films had testified in court for Donald Trump, for financing.

The actress, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, was paid $130,000 at the end of the 2016 campaign to not disclose a sexual relationship she claims she had with Donald Trump in 2006, a payment that was covered up and has come under fire case.

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// Phaistos Adman

// OneSignal
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// Phaistos Adman

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// Vidoomy

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#Stormy #Daniels #Trumps #victory #ashamed #whats #happening #country

OneSignal web push notification example

It looks like you’ve shared⁤ a piece of JavaScript code ‌that handles the⁣ loading of various advertising scripts and functionalities on a website. The code‍ includes snippets for loading Google AdSense, OneSignal (for push notifications), Disqus (for comments), and other ad networks like Phaistos ‍Adman, Taboola, and Vidoomy.

Here’s a brief breakdown of the sections and functionalities represented in this code:

1. **AdSense Removal**: The code first removes certain AdSense elements from the DOM if they exist, presumably to clean up the UI under certain conditions.


document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(function(e) {

⁣ ​e.querySelector(‘.adsbygoogle’).remove();


⁣ “`

2. **AdSense Loading**: It checks⁣ if⁢ any AdSense slots are present, ​and while the section is ​incomplete, it seems to intend to load scripts related to AdSense.

3. **Phaistos Adman Integration**: This part sets up a queue for ⁣Adman ⁣ad units,‌ although⁤ the parameters may not be⁤ complete⁣ (like the ad unit height).

4. **OneSignal ​Initialization**: It initializes push notifications if not already⁣ set.

5. **Disqus Setup**: The code‌ defines a configuration function ⁢for Disqus comments, including a unique page identifier which appears to be hardcoded.

6. **Script Loading with Timeout**: ⁢A timeout is used for ⁢loading Disqus scripts, ​which helps‌ ensure that scripts don’t interfere with page loading.

7.‍ **Other ‌Ad Networks**: There are placeholders to load scripts for other ad ​networks like CleverCore, Taboola, and Vidoomy.

8. **Conditional Loading**: The script contains various ​conditional checks to​ load specific modules only if certain elements are ‍present in the DOM, enhancing performance and user experience.

This snippet reflects a typical pattern used in modern‍ web development where lazy loading and asynchronicity are⁢ employed to optimize resource⁣ loading and ensure a smooth user experience. It⁣ also showcases⁤ how multiple advertising and analytics ⁢scripts can be‌ conditionally loaded based on ‍user behavior and​ available content.

**Considerations for Improvement:**

1. **Parameters Completion**: Ensure ⁣that all ⁢asynchronous script loading ⁤functions (`asyncLoadScript`) ⁤have their URLs or relevant parameters defined appropriately.

2. **Error Handling**:⁢ Implement error handling for script ⁢loading failures to enhance resilience.

3. **Performance**: Be cautious with too many timeouts; they could delay the loading of essential scripts.

4. **Clarity and Commenting**: Since this code appears to be incomplete (indicated ⁣by commented and placeholder ​sections), adding‌ comments and ensuring ‌clarity would greatly help future developers⁣ (or yourself) understand the flow and purpose of each section.

Feel free to ask⁢ if you need more specific details or adjustments!

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