2024-03-23 19:16:19
Storms and thunderstorms caused major operations in Hesse. In Hanau, an apartment building caught fire following a lightning strike. In the Wetterau district, numerous roofs were covered – presumably by a wind gust.
Turbulent April weather meant that fire departments in parts of Hesse had numerous operations on Saturday. 70 emergency services from professional and volunteer fire departments alone were required in Hanau. An apartment building on Hausmannstrasse caught fire around 5:15 p.m.
According to a spokesman, the fire department assumes that a lightning strike is responsible for the fire, which broke out in the attic and completely destroyed the apartment there.
The fire was under control, the spokesman said at around 7:45 p.m. Other apartments in the building were affected by the water used to extinguish the fire. The entire house is currently uninhabitable.
Firefighters rescue cat from burning house
The residents of the house got themselves to safety, so there were no injuries. The fire department rescued a cat from the building.
There was initially no information on the amount of property damage.
Possibly a wind storm in the Wetterau district
In Kefenrod-Bindsachsen (Wetterau), several roofs were allegedly damaged by a wind storm on Saturday followingnoon. No one was injured, the district said, citing the district fire inspector. The number of damaged roofs is still unclear. Firefighters were on duty to assess damage, remove loose tiles and makeshift roofs, it was said.
A meteorologist from the German Weather Service (DWD) was initially unable to confirm that there was a storm in the Wetterau district. However, given the current weather situation with many thunderstorms, this is by no means ruled out.
Weather is easing up at the start of the week
Weather forecast for Hesse
To overview
After April weather at the weekend, things are getting more spring-like once more at the start of the new week in Hesse. From Monday onwards it will remain largely free of precipitation. The temperatures then rise to highs of 7 to 13 degrees. On Tuesday it will be even warmer with up to 17 degrees.
However, numerous rain and sleet showers as well as thunderstorms can still be expected on Sunday. Snow showers are possible from altitudes of 300 meters and above. The maximum values range from 3 to 10 degrees, the latter most likely in the Rhine-Main area.
#Apartment #building #burns #lightning #strike #Hanau #suspected #windstorm #Wetterau #hessenschau.de