“Storms and temperatures down but then…”. The forecast –

Until a few hours ago it seemed almost impossible. Now, however, there is the word of Colonel Mario Giuliacci. In the next few hours the weather picture will change. The great heat, undisputed protagonist of the last few weeks, will take a first step back. “An intense disturbance is appearing that on Sunday 18 August will bring the first real break of this summer, almost imitating the infamous August Storms of the 80s and 90s”, he wrote on the site meteogiuliacci.it the expert. What should we expect? A “sudden change” and numerous “showers and thunderstorms”. The regions of the Center and the North will not be spared, but this time even those of the South will not be safe.

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The bad weather, in fact, will also reach “Puglia, Campania, Tyrrhenian Calabria and northern Sicily”, Giuliacci anticipated. The incoming storms, according to the expert, will be “even intense”. The reason? The “so much energy that has accumulated in the atmosphere”. The good news is that “the fresh Atlantic currents will significantly dampen the heat”. Tomorrow, Sunday 18 August, the maximum temperatures “will drop by a few degrees throughout Italy”, Giuliacci continued. But that’s not all. The meteorologist also announced that a further drop in temperatures will be recorded on Monday. Then, “the long heat wave will end throughout Italy, giving way to still warm but more pleasant temperatures”, he added.

#Storms #temperatures #then… #forecast #Tempo
2024-08-21 10:28:30



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