The third Advent candle is lit by the stormy Styrian trio “Sturm & Klang”. With harmonica, guitar, double bass and various percussion instruments, Nik, Max and Jonny bring traditional folk music into a new sound era and humorously explain contemporary folk music. They fuse tradition with influences from jazz, classical music or even world music. In the varied program, the possible uses of the Styrian harmonica are exhausted and listening becomes an experience. The album “Makole” was recorded personally with and by Herbert Pixner, especially since he himself plays a Jamnik harmonica – built by Andreas Jamnik, aka Nik Jam, from Sturm & Klang. We are looking forward to the young Styrians’ first appearance in South Tyrol!
Date: Sturm & Klang, December 11, 6 p.m., Gustav Mahler Hall