Storm “Lillian” toppled trees and sent the crane dangerously close to the ferry

Storm “Lillian” toppled trees and sent the crane dangerously close to the ferry

The weather, which may have come as a surprise to many on Friday afternoon, has toppled trees and sent a crane in Larvik on wild roads.

In both Southern and Eastern Norway, several people are affected by “Lillian”. The police had to go out and ask motorists to be careful in traffic.

– There are many trees that fall into the road, or over power lines. The police ask that people in traffic drive carefully, writes the Sørøst police district X/Twitter.

The crane created a dangerous situation

In Larvik, a large container crane was caught by the wind and blew past the end stop. It was in danger of damaging both the gangway of the Color Superspeed car ferry and the boat itself.

The ferry was quickly unloaded of both vehicles and people.

– So far there has been no damage to Color Line’s buildings or vessels. Color Line has canceled the next departure, said operations manager Tom Richard Skuggedal in the Søreast police district.

A little after 6 p.m., the crane was secured with large granite blocks and cables. According to the police, the crane was under control, but the area of ​​Color Line and Larvik Havnevesen was blocked off.

Several trees fell over the roadway

A little before 4 p.m., a police patrol was sent to Kristiansand, where a tree in the road was hanging over wires. Also in Risør, a tree had ended up over wires, and the police wrote that they did not know whether the wires had caught fire. Shortly after 4.30 pm, the police reported a tree overturned in Arendal.

– We have received a number of reports about trees falling over. It has rained and blown a lot, says operations manager Ole B. Kleivane in the Agder police district.

He says that they notify the Traffic Center as soon as they receive messages. He says they are keeping an eye on the problems the weather may create during the evening.

– We are working to get an overview, but as of now we have not seen any major consequences, he says.

The Vestfold intermunicipal fire service also had its share of struggles. A number of reports of trees over the road affected the missions there.

In addition, there were several boats drifting in the sea as they were not secured well enough.

Comes from Great Britain

The gusts of wind from the storm “Lillian” come all the way from the UK.

In parts of Eastern Norway, a yellow warning was issued for strong gusts of wind, as well as the risk of high water levels. Locally strong gusts of 18–22 meters per second were reported.

The wind is expected to die down during the evening.


#Storm #Lillian #toppled #trees #crane #dangerously #close #ferry
2024-08-24 03:17:17



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