Storm Ileana forms off the coast of Mexico, this is how it will affect

Storm Ileana forms off the coast of Mexico, this is how it will affect

This Thursday, September 12th Tropical storm Ileana formed in the Pacific, off the beaches of Mexico, where its effects will be felt in states such as Baja California, Baja California Sur, Michoacán, Colima, Jalisco and Nayarit.

According to the US National Hurricane Center, Ileana was 385 kilometers south-southeast of Cabo San Lucaswith maximum sustained winds of 65 kilometers per hour and is expected to strengthen tomorrow Friday.

Predicts that Ileana passes over Baja California Sur on Friday and advance to the Gulf of California by early Saturday morning.

States on alert for tropical storm Ileana

According to AP, there is a tropical storm warning for areas of the Baja California Peninsula, including Cabo San Lucas and San José del Cabo.

Meteorologists predict that the storm will dump 10 to 15 centimeters of rain and that coastal areas of Michoacán, Colima and Jalisco will receive up to 20 centimeters on Friday in the early morning.

For its part, the National Meteorological Service (SMN) from Conagua confirmed that this afternoon the Tropical Depression Nine-E Intensified into a Tropical Stormnamed Ileana.

Where is Storm Ileana?

He stated that at 3:00 p.m. Its center was 250 kilometers west-southwest of Cabo CorrientesJalisco, and 385 km south-southeast of Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur.

Has Maximum sustained winds of 65 kilometers per hour (km/h), with gusts of 85 km/h, and moving north-northwest at 15 km/h.

Tropical Storm Ileana: Where will its effects be felt?

Its wide cloud bands will generate heavy rains (75 to 150 millimeters) in areas of Colima, Jalisco, Nayarit and southern Sinaloa, and very strong (50 to 75 mm) in the south of Baja California Sur.

It is expectedn gusts of wind from 50 to 70 km/h, surf 2 to 4 meters (m) high and possible waterspouts on the coasts of Jalisco and Nayarit, as well as waves of 1 to 3 m and possible waterspouts in Baja California Sur, Colima and Sinaloa.

The rains caused by this system They could arrive with electrical discharges and cause landslidesincrease in river and stream levels, overflows and flooding in areas of the aforementioned states.

Storm prevention and surveillance

In coordination with the United States National Hurricane Center, the SMN established Tropical storm warning zone from Santa Fe to San Evaristo, Baja California Sur.

Also, area of tropical storm watch from San Evaristo to Loreto, also in Baja California Sur, and from Topolobampo, Sinaloa, to Huatabampito, Sonora.

#Storm #Ileana #forms #coast #Mexico #affect
2024-09-21 20:52:39



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