Storm front leaves trail of devastation through Carinthia – 5 minutes

Published on July 19, 2024, 8:16 PM
/ ©Georg Bachhiesl

The storm has caused significant damage in the areas of Frantschach and Bad St. Leonhard.

The storm has caused significant damage in the areas of Frantschach and Bad St. Leonhard.

An intense thunderstorm cell is currently moving across Carinthia, affecting the Feldkirchen area, among others.

von Tanja Janschitz

Tanja Janschitz Online Editor

1 minute reading time(127 words)

A powerful storm front is currently moving across central Carinthia, bringing heavy rain, strong gusts of wind, and even occasional hail. “The Feldkirchen area is currently the main focus,” said Hans-Jörg Rossbacher, Chief Fire Inspector and Head of the Carinthian State Alarm and Warning Center (LAWZ), in a statement to 5 minutes. Storm operations are also being conducted in the Gerlitzen area, the Gailtal, and the Lavanttal.

1,500 households in Carinthia without electricity

Josef Stocker, press spokesman for KNG-Kärnten Netz GmbH, confirmed that approximately 1,500 households are currently without electricity due to the storm. “The affected areas include the upper Drautal near Greifenburg, the Feldkirchen area, and the Lavanttal.” Technicians are working diligently to restore power.

Note: This post was updated on July 19, 2024, at 9:11 PM


Carinthia Hit by Severe Thunderstorms, Leaving Thousands Without Power

Published on 19 July 2024, 20:16
/ ©Georg Bachhiesl

A picture on shows fallen trees in Frantschach.

In the area of ​​Frantschach and Bad St. Leonhard, the storm has left a trail of devastation.

In the area of ​​Frantschach and Bad St. Leonhard, the storm has left a trail of devastation.

                                            <h2>An intense thunderstorm cell is currently moving across Carinthia. The Feldkirchen area is among those affected. </h2>
                                                <div class="author-card">

                                von <span class="text-fm font-semibold pl-1">Tanja Janschitz</span>
                                <div class="h-10 w-10 mx-2">
                                    <img width="860" height="860" http:="" class="attachment-small size-small" alt="Tanja Janschitz Online Editor" decoding="async" srcset=" 860w, 300w, 150w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 860px) 100vw, 860px" src=""/>                                    </div>
                                <p><span class="text-fm font-semibold block md:inline-block md:mr-1">1 minute reading time</span>(127 words)</p>                                </div>

A violent storm front is currently moving across central Carinthia. The result: heavy rain, strong gusts of wind and even occasional hail.

“At the moment, the focus is on the Feldkirchen area,” says Chief Fire Inspector Hans-Jörg Rossbacher, Head of the Carinthian State Alarm and Warning Center (LAWZ), confirmed to 5 minutes. Initial storm operations are also underway in the Gerlitzen area, the Gailtal and the Lavanttal.

1,500 households in Carinthia without electricity

Josef Stocker, press spokesman for KNG-Kärnten Netz GmbHalso confirms that around 1,500 households have no electricity due to the current weather conditions. “Areas affected are in the upper Drautal near Greifenburg, in the Feldkirchen area and in the Lavanttal.” The technicians are already working at full speed to fix the problem.

                            <strong>A notice:</strong> This post was updated on 19.07.2024 at 21:11

The impact of the storm on Carinthia

The storm has caused significant damage in several areas, especially in the regions of Frantschach and Bad St. Leonhard. Reports indicate fallen trees, blocked roads, and potential damage to infrastructure. Emergency services are working diligently to address the situation and ensure the safety of residents.

Areas affected by the storm:

  • Feldkirchen: This area is currently experiencing the heaviest storm activity, with heavy rainfall, strong winds, and occasional hail.
  • Gerlitzen Area: Storm operations are also underway in the Gerlitzen area, suggesting downed trees or potential power outages.
  • Gailtal and Lavanttal: These areas are also experiencing storm activity, with reports of strong winds and potential disruptions.

Consequences of the storm:

  • Power Outages: Around 1,500 households across Carinthia are currently without electricity due to the storm.
  • Infrastructure Damage: Potential damage to infrastructure, including roads, power lines, and telecommunication systems, is being assessed.
  • Safety Concerns: The storm has created safety concerns for residents due to fallen trees, blocked roads, and potential flooding.

Staying Safe during a Storm

Here are some important tips to stay safe during a storm:

  • Seek Shelter: If possible, seek shelter in a sturdy building or basement during the storm.
  • Avoid Contact with Water: Avoid contact with water that may be contaminated by debris or runoff.
  • Stay Away from Trees: Stay away from trees during the storm, as they can be damaged by strong winds and cause falling branches.
  • Be Aware of Flooding: Be mindful of potential flooding, especially near rivers and streams.
  • Stay Informed: Listen to local weather reports and follow instructions from emergency services.


The current storm in Carinthia highlights the importance of being prepared for severe weather events. It is crucial for residents to stay informed and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety during these situations.



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