Storm Ciaran: Devastating Winds Hit UK, Leaving Thousands without Power

2023-11-03 02:12:33

London – Storm Ciaran hits the UK with 104 mph winds. The storm left thousands of homes without power. Storm Ciaran wreaked havoc in southern England, including Devon, Cornwall, Sussex and Surrey. More than 300 schools were closed here.

Rail traffic has been suspended at many places due to heavy floods. In some areas, people have been displaced from their homes due to uprooted trees following the storm. Schools in southern England have been closed due to the risk to students. Train operators have informed that train services have been canceled due to bad weather.

Although the Met Office Amber Warning has now been withdrawn, there is still a chance of wind and rain in Southern England, Scotland and Wales until midnight tonight. A yellow warning of the Met Office is in place here. Parts of Hull to Aberdeen are also warned of rain until 6am tomorrow. The Environment Agency has already issued 79 flood warnings across England. Port staff said tourists were being turned away from the port of Dover due to bad weather. Road traffic has been blocked at most places. There have been reported incidents of vehicles running into water ignoring warnings.

Dozens of people were evacuated to hotels overnight on the islands of Jersey, off England and France, after high-speed winds damaged homes. The roofs of the houses were blown off. In France, a lorry driver was reportedly killed by a falling tree. Current data suggests that 20,000 homes across the UK are without electricity.

English Summary:

Storm Ciarán whips western Europe, blowing record winds in France and leaving millions without power

#Storm #Ciaran #lashed #mph #power #cuts #homes #schools #closed #Storm #Ciaran #news #storm #Ciaran #aftermath #Southern #England #storm #damage #storm #Ciaran #power #outages #Rail #traffic #disruptions #storm #School #closures #due #storm #Ciaran #Met #Office #Amber #Warning #update #Flood #warnings #England #Port #Dover #weather #disruptions #Storm #Ciaran #evacuation #stories #Malayalam #World #News #International #News #Malayalam #Gulf #Europe #News #Malayala #Manorama #Online #News #Malayalam #Manorama #Malayalam #news #Manorama #News

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