Stop Snoring and Improve Your Sleep: Effective Tips and Solutions

2023-10-08 17:30:13
Maryna Terletska / Getty Images A dark-skinned woman lies on the bed and covered herself with pillows. Heavy morning. Awakening. Loud noise during sleep.

Maryna Terletska / Getty Images

Snoring can contribute to relationship problems, by disrupting the sleep of the person sharing your bed…

SLEEP – According to the British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association, 41.5% of the UK adult population snore – much to the frustration of their bed partners who often seek anti-snoring methods. Snoring is caused by the vibration of the tongue, mouth, throat or nasal airways when breathing. It occurs because these parts of the body relax and contract during sleep.

Snoring is natural and is generally not bad for your health unless you suffer from a condition like sleep apnea. But it can contribute to relationship problems by disrupting the sleep of the person sharing your bed.

What anti-snoring solutions

According to the sleep experts at Bed Kingdom, there are four tips you can follow to stop snoring and ensure that you and your partner get a good night’s sleep every night, without having to spend too much money.

Tennis ball therapy

An effective and cost-effective trick is to glue or sew a tennis ball to the back of your sleepwear, which will help you avoid sleeping on your back due to discomfort, and will force you to sleep on your back. the side. This advice, also recommended by the NHS (the UK health authority), is to avoid sleeping on your back, as this narrows the airways and causes obstruction of breathing, which increases snoring. It seems a bit eccentric, but if the NHS recommends it, it must be worth it!

Take a hot shower or bath

Another money-saving tip is to take a hot shower or bath before bed. The warm steam will help reduce nasal congestion, allowing you to breathe better during the night and easing snoring problems.

Exercises for the mouth and tongue

Practice exercises that strengthen your tongue and throat muscles, as they can improve tongue position and help reduce snoring. This involves placing the tip of the tongue once morest the back of the upper teeth and sliding the tongue backward along the roof of the mouth, 5 to 10 times.

Drink more water

Ah, that old refrain. Going to bed dehydrated can cause mucus to build up in your nose, mouth and throat, which can cause snoring. Drinking plenty of water can be a quick and economical way to treat snoring; It is generally recommended to drink 6 to 8 glasses of liquid during the day.

Worried your snoring might be a little more than annoying? You may have sleep apnea

According to the NHS, sleep apnea is characterized by stopping and starting breathing during sleep. The most common type is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Sleep apnea needs to be treated because it can lead to more serious problems.

Symptoms of sleep apnea mainly appear during sleep.

They understand :

stopping and starting breathing breathing, sniffling, or choking sounds frequent waking up loud snoring

During the day, you can also:

feeling very tired having trouble concentrating having mood swings having a headache when you wake up

If you have such symptoms and are concerned regarding your snoring, consult your GP.

This article is a translation carried out by the HuffPost France editorial staff, from an article published on October 6, 2023 on the Huffington Post UK. Original article to read here.

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