Stop flogging and hanging the Taliban as punishment; United Nations

The United Nations has urged the Taliban government in Afghanistan to stop flogging and hanging criminals as punishment.

According to the World News Agency, a report of the United Nations strongly criticized the public hanging, flogging and stoning since coming to power in Afghanistan and demanded the Taliban to stop carrying out these punishments.

The report said that in December 2022, a year after the Taliban came to power, for the first time, a convicted murderer was publicly executed by the victim’s father. This trend of public hanging or death penalty is still going on.

Similarly, the first incident of public flogging occurred in October 2021 in the northern province of Kapisa. The punishment of flogging was also given to girls who ran away from home to marry.

According to the report, the Taliban inflicted 213 deaths and 64 injuries during the height of their insurgency from 2010 until taking over in August 2021.

According to the United Nations Assistance Mission or UNAMA report, 274 men, 58 women and two boys were publicly flogged in Afghanistan in the last six months alone.

The agency’s head of human rights, Fiona Fraser, demanded that corporal punishment, such as flogging or stoning, violated the Convention and should be stopped. Similarly, death sentences should also be stopped immediately.

In response to this report, the Taliban’s foreign ministry said that punishments in Afghanistan are determined according to Islamic laws and guidelines. The vast majority of the Afghan common people follow Islamic principles.

The Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs further said in its statement that in case of conflict between international human rights law and Islamic law, the Taliban government is bound to follow Islamic law.

It should be remembered that last week, Deputy Chief Justice Abdul Malik Haqqani, appointed by the Taliban, said in his video message that the Supreme Court of the Taliban has sentenced 79 criminals to flogging and 37 to stoning since assuming power.

#Stop #flogging #hanging #Taliban #punishment #United #Nations
2024-08-19 12:51:34



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